Megan started her French lesson today in SIS. Her first phrase was," Can I go to the toilet?" in French. I had a good laugh over the way she pronounced it.. and frankly, I wouldn't know if it is correct. haha.. maybe I should go take some lessons too.
She had her first swimming lesson today too. I picked her up after her swimming as it was the last period and I was teaching full day today. She is so pleased to announce that she is in the "Okay" category and not the " Cannot Swim" category. Frankly, I am glad too... I will be putting Macy to a swimming school this Wed. It's supposed to be a really good swim school called Harry Wright Swimming School. It better be good cos' it costs me HK2800 for a term! Megan is not in HW as she is more comfortable with the coaches from ESF, plus most of the coaches in ESF are females, which is what she wanted.
My cousin from UK will be coming to HK for about 2-3 weeks for a visit. We used to throng and shop like nobody's business... I think I better go on a diet soon... if not, all the eating is going to add more weight. groan.