Warning!: Doctor Who post up ahead. OPINIONS ARE ALL MY OWN.
Okay, I only started to watch the show in March of this year. It started on SciFi, and I saw commercials for it while watching the new Battlestar Galactica. This British hit was going to start when BSG's run was over, so I thought I would check it out.
I was in love within 2 episodes. I was in love with the 9th Doctor within 3 episodes. I liked this somewhat dark, angsty alien, and Christopher Eccleston was fantastic, to steal a catchphrase. Of course, episodes 4 and 5 were a bit of a letdown, but it picked up immediately, and I'll admit, that while I liked Doctor/Rose, it was all about the Doctor for me. (Read my journal, you'll find out pretty fast how true that is)
As a huge fan of the new Battlestar Galactica, of course I would like the dark moments, like the at the end of "The End of the World" when the Doctor lets Cassandra die, or when the Doctor wanted to kill the lone Dalek. Okay, it's not the killing I enjoy, it's the fact that not everything is shiny shiny joy joy. And I'm not saying the newer season of Doctor Who is like that, but I liked my Doctor like that.
Of course, I came into the series with the knowledge that CE was only on for the first season. But I became attached very fast, and wasn't looking forward to David Tennant in his place, since I only remembered him as the creepy guy from Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. So, here I put my thoughts down as to why I prefer the Ninth Doctor to the Tenth Doctor. Although, after writing this, I realized, I really like the Tenth Doctor, he's adorkable. But still second to my Doctor.
I apologize for language, and if I come across as harsh.
David Tennant as the Doctor.
I didn't exactly hate DT as the Doctor. He had some wonderful moments, granted they required him to be a bit quiet, but he had plenty of those moments. I expected him to be different from the Ninth, I would have been disappointed if he acted like CE's Doctor.
Some of the hyper activity that DT put into his Doctor was enjoyable, he has an adorable smile, and he was really a hard man to not like.
My favorite episode of his was definitely "School Reunion", just because "Girl in the Fireplace", in my opinion, dropped the ball with the romance. It was extremely shallow, and I just couldn't buy into it, which is disappointing since I had been looking forward to that episode for a while, since I heard about it.
I also very much enjoyed him in "Army of Ghosts" as well. I still can't decide on "Doomsday", although DT earned extra acting stars on that one.
Ten/Rose-DT and Billie Piper They were annoying lots of the time. I'm sorry, maybe I'm not a proper shipper, but they really grated on my nerves and I only really liked them, couple-wise, in "School Reunion", "The Impossible Planet" and "Army of Ghosts", and "Fear Her" until Rose put her foot in her mouth at the end, bless her. It's not because I preferred the Ninth Doctor, it's how they were written. IMHO, this season was not written to the same standard that the first season was. I hated being TOLD how close and in love the Doctor and Rose were, instead of SEEING how close they were, even though season one had it's clunky moments.
Nine/Rose-CE and BP I am a shipper. Don't misunderstand me, when they are done right, and this includes 9/Rose and 10/Rose, I can be freakishly shippy, and I bawled my eyes out at the end of "Doomsday", which I won't share my problems with.
I...do have problems with the ship though. And that starts with the term "soulmates". Huge problem with that. Maybe it's personal, maybe it's my own problem, but I don't like it. But mostly it's the fact that this Time Lord's soul mate is a human who's life span is barely a fraction of his life. And this has nothing to do with Rose, I just have to disagree with calling the Doctor and Rose soulmates, in any shape or form. And this also brings in the age gap.
First of all, PLEASE DO NOT ARGUE THAT 9/ROSE WAS WRONG AND 10/ROSE IS OKAY. This bugs the fucking hell out of me. If you want to be technical, 10 is older than 9, appearances don't matter. And when I really think about the age gap, the 900+ years old/19 years old is disturbing as all hell and makes me wonder sometimes what RTD is smoking. Which is why I like 9/Rose, because usually it was ambiguous, you couldn't tell if they were just friends, or lovers, you just knew that it they didn't care, they just cared about each other. As I said to
nina_ds, "because they didn't JUST flirt, they teased each other and it wasn't always in the most romantic way, which is why I loved their relationship, because it really was ambiguous. Anyone could read it in any way. Friends, lovers, friends with benefits, it didn't matter because the Doctor and Rose didn't care, they were traveling together, they were happy, they cared about each other, they didn't need to define it."
There are 11 years between DT and BP, and 18 years between CE and BP, it could have been worse. But the actors are not portraying their actual ages, so get over that little fact.
With 10/Rose, you didn't really have the choice to think they weren't some couple, sure there were episodes like "School Reunion" and "Girl in the Fireplace" where we see that Rose isn't always the center of the Doctor's attention, but otherwise, she was and it was grating.
The man is adorable and geeky and just has this absolutely infectious personality. It's not the case of disliking a character because of the actor, no, I love the actor, and it's just how the Doctor has sometimes behaved, while David has portrayed him, that I don't like. Of course there were times I wanted to slap CE's Doctor, but not very often at all.
And I am by no means comparing the two actors. They are both brillant in their own respects. They both bring something different. Maybe some people feel that CE's the better actor. I feel that he was very intense, and with a show like Doctor Who, maybe people felt uncomfortable with that, but I didn't.
With David, he brings this childlike joy and personality that fits perfectly for a man or alien just starting to except what the Ninth Doctor went through. The Ninth Doctor went through the depression stage, and the Tenth Doctor hit that stage where it hit him, he's all alone where the Ninth Doctor could only think, they're all gone, which are actually two very different things.
But my point is, David Tennant is a delight and I think his Doctor will be much better next season and I can't wait until it starts.
Christopher Eccleston as the Doctor. I really can't put into words how much I appreciated CE's Doctor. There was something about him that made one want to take a step back and hug him at the same time. Somebody once described CE as not being a very charming guy, but as the Doctor, I found him very charming, when he wanted to be. I thought he was very charming when he was flirting with Lynda (although sort of cheesy) in "Bad Wolf". Dude, he flirted with a tree! And the tree lady, who was the awesome Jabe, flirted back, so he was doing something right.
He didn't do domestic, but the way he was with kids was cute, like when he was fighting over the remote with the little one in "Aliens of London", but he pulled the kid up onto the chair with him. He wasn't annoyed that the child was there, just that it was interrupting watching the alien crash landing on the television. And "The Empty Child", which is fighting to be my favorite for season one, although "The End of the World" is still number one.
And this new Doctor Who, not only introduced this whole new show with a 40 year background, but a new actor. I've never heard of CE before this and I am sorry I didn't. I even watched "28 Days Later" because he was in it, of course it was on the TV, which is as close I'll get to watching it as I could.
1) "I could save the world but lose you." In "World War III". Yeah, it still bothers me. Too soon, and I'm sorry but you cannot put somebody's life before the world. Although, that could just be his saying out loud why he was looking for other ways to defeat the Slitheen, but the idea that he was putting her life first bothered me.
2) The "she's mine" look at the end of "The Doctor Dances". That seemed a little redundant when, if you watch, it really was Rose that jumped up to dance with the Doctor, she really didn't need that much persuation to dance with him instead of Jack. It's minor, but it's there.
Somebody explain to me the manipulation in WWIII, because it doesn't seem that obvious to me. Yes, he's using what he knows she likes about the traveling to get her to come with, but she's not so stupid that she doesn't know. It would have been easy for her to say no, especially when her mom pleads with her not to go. So, it's not like this huge OMG I CAN'T BELIEVE HE FUCKING DID THAT moment, I dunno, maybe I'm missing something.
I like the Tenth Doctor, he grows on you and when DT really got into the role, he was excellant. And when he wasn't shouty, I adored him. Okay, so he's not my Doctor, and he's not #1, but he's #2, followed by the Fifth Doctor (the only other I've seen). I think the writers were a bit weak this season, overemphasizing the Doctor and Rose's relationship, because Rose was leaving, but now we'll get to see the Doctor differently, he'll be alone in the Christmas special, dealing with a bride that mysteriously showed up in his TARDIS.
I can't wait to meet the new companion, Martha. But, yeah I'm really going to miss Rose. I loved her, good moments and...not so good moments. But, I get it, companions and actors move on and we as fans have to as well. That doesn't mean I can't watch the episodes with her as often as I want.
Now I see why people are complaining, old schoolers at least, about "School Reunion". I just watched the goodbye between Sarah Jane and the Fourth Doctor on YouTube, and she WALKED AWAY WHISTLING. Maybe somewhere in the back of her head she thought he might come back, but SHE WALKED AWAY WHISTLING and laughed that he didn't land her in Croyden. And he didn't dump her. What the fuck, writers? Why did you have to taint my favorite season 2 episode?
Wow, that post came off the top of my head. I...have to do something else. Agree or disagree? Don't hesitate to let me know.