We're fallin' through space, you and me, clinging to the skin of this tiny little world...

Aug 15, 2012 21:18

Well I dropped off there a bit, yeah? LOL

I'm already in Olympics withdrawal. It was so AWESOME! I don't want to wait until 2014 for more :(

Anyway, TV stuff....Rookie Blue was pretty rough, True Blood is bananas (I have no idea if that's a good thing) and I don't know why I'm watching The Newsroom.

The Closer came to an end on Monday. I'm gonna miss Brenda. Kyra has been fabulous these past 7 years in portraying this amazing character. Probably one of the most complex, realistic female characters in the past 10 years. And I'm okay with how she ended her run.

And I love Mary McDonnell, but I'm not sure about following Major Crimes. I like the character Mary plays, I like how they've developed her and that she won't be another Brenda. It could be interesting. I'll just be missing Brenda.

This morning I saw BBC America was airing DW S1 again. Fun! Only saw "Rose" this morning, but it was enough to remind me how much I love/loved Nine. *sighs*

television, doctor who, the closer

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