Jul 27, 2010 23:12

I got so distracted from my meme. Blergh.

Day 14 - Favorite male character

I'm sorry, is that a mystery? I adore tons of male characters, loved Lee Adama, I will always have a soft spot for Jack Shephard, adored John Carter but my love for the Ninth Doctor is so high that I think it's impossible for me to love another male character more.

This is the moment that everyone thinks of when they think of the Ninth Doctor, and it has one of my favorite little bits with him and Rose before it:

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Day 15 - Favorite female character

A few, probably. Martha Jones, Elizabeth Weir, Toshiko Sato, Chloe Sullivan, Abby Lockhart, Willow Rosenberg, Buffy Summers so so many. There's no order.

But there's something about Abby. I don't know. I love these women, but I always go back to Abby. I don't know why.

I don't know. Man, I just really love her, heh Also, warning, Abby is from the show ER, so there's a little bit of hospital stuff here. Blood and that.

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OH and it shows Abby and Kerry Fucking Weaver who had an awesome friendship. Miss that.

One more scene because it wasn't really featured in that video:
One of Carter and Abby. Oh how my heart loved these two:

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Day 16 - Your guilty pleasure show

I mentioned it earlier, I'd have to say Wipeout. It's so ridiculous. And I may or may not check out some soaps. lol

Day 17 - Favorite mini series

Oh my darlings. Why must you ask? To chose one...North and South. Perfection, really. The build up and the payoff. It's so beautiful and allowed me to really like Richard Armitage because I hate his character on Robin Hood.

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Day 18 - Favorite title sequence

Oh fun! There's a lot to enjoy. But I really think one of my favorites was the one from Wonderfalls. Although, I do adore the ones from Veronica Mars, Buffy will always have a place in my heart, Angel, Friends, yada yada yada

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Day 19 - Best TV show cast

NO NO NO. I can't.

But if I have to chose...Firefly. That's it.

Moving on.

Hopefully back tomorrow night with more to say besides talking about this meme. How are you guys?

wonderfalls, television, er, north and south, doctor who, ninth doctor, meme, abby lockhart

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