HAHAHA, I got my S2 DVDs yesterday. And because I had this picspam already put together, I needed to re-watch "Hunted" to ensure I still liked it. And I did :) And then my dad sat down and we watched, like, 3 or 4 episodes last night.
I think I might do another for this challenge. I don't know.
(And now my blurb for
It wasn't that hard to think of something different to spam, especially in regards to something that I've come to love and maybe obsess a little over. And I apologize now for not being a little original. I watched all of Supernatural over the summer. I'd watched bits of S4 and I was really intrigued and I wanted to get caught up, so I did. BAM, I'm into it. Like some other show that I was majorly into, there's flaws and issues. But I really love those boys. And I just bought one of the seasons on DVD, so yeah. And I remember I was quite fond of "Hunted" and in particular Ava, and it was the first episode (for some bizarre and unknown reason) that came to mind when thinking of this challenge, because I definitely just wanted to spam one episode.
(I was really random when picking out caps for this)
Ava Why can’t you just leave town, please? Before you blow up!
Sam These are .223 Caliber, subsonic rounds, the guy must've put a suppressor on the rifle.
Ava Dude, who are you?
Sam I ah...I just I...I just watch a lot of TJ Hooker.
Ellen Now, Dean, they say you can’t protect your loved ones forever. Well, I say screw that-- what else is family for?
Dean Come on, man, I know Sam, okay, better than anyone. He’s got more of a conscience than I do. The guy feels guilty surfing the Internet for porn.
Sam All right, so where to next, man?
Dean One word, Amsterdam.
Sam Dean!
Dean Come on, man. I hear the coffee shops don’t even serve coffee.