I just watched the latest episode of Doctor Who, and it was much better than that trailer originally suggested.
Spoilers under the cut, of course, and it's probably longer than I anticipate.
Two things first:
Jenny was adorable and I hope to see her again. Totally not what I expected and she was just like a little bundle of sunshine and super cute.
I'm fucking sick of Ten's superior attitude. I'm sure all the Doctors carried this trait, like I acknowledge that Nine did as well, but Ten is over the fucking top with it and if they want me to even try to like him again (which they achieved in spots in S3) then they need to TONE IT DOWN.
Now on to the part I may ramble a bit on...
For one, this episode should have me in tears for the Doctor and feeling sorry for him, but I feel that for MARTHA.
Now, okay, I get it. Of the three companions Ten's had, Martha is the least liked, she's arguably the least well-written (and by that, I mean we truly don't know her history like we do Rose and Donna), and fuck, she's not even the favorite among my f-list!
But I don't fucking care because I love her so flipping much.
And here's how the episode tore me apart on Martha's behalf:
First off, she was walking away when the TARDIS stole her. And then, for just a second, she's reminded of what it's like to step off that ship and walk onto alien soil, or sometime in the past, and for her, it's a good feeling.
And then what happens? She's fucking kidnapped. But, they weren't nearly as hostile as the "humans" were and she made a friend.
*side note* How adorable was it when the Hath were petting her head? Demeaning sure, but Freema's expressions were so cute. And fuck, as a group, the Hath were quite demeaning towards, her, weren't they?
And I can see why the writers may have included her in this episode. They love having Donna and the Doctor together, so having a third would be their way of showing what was happening with the Hath without just blatantly showing us. Or something like that. IT'S LATE AT NIGHT, WHAT?
So, alone with her little Hath friend, they take a trip. And that couldn't have been pleasant, with how cold it seemed and I can just imagine what's going through Martha's head...
And then she falls into that...it's called a bog, right? And she's panicking, rightfully, and her new friend comes to help and ends up dying, after having saved her.
THAT'S FUCKING TRAUMATIZING. And she just cries her heart out (and thank you Freema for that, you've really stepped it up, and I never even thought you had to!).
The poor girl had to watch "herself" die last week and now that. I see why the writer/s did that. Even if I want to kick 'em in the nads for it. I fucking hate it, but I get it. This isn't the life for her. She can do it, I have no doubt of that, and fuck, she has, and she knows she can. And if she had no-one to come home to, she would have stuck around.
But with Martha, she gets to see that this is not always the healthiest lifestyle, and that no, she really isn't ready to give up her life at the drop of a hat. Which I commend her on, because neither would I!
And while I'm upset that they decide to do this with Martha, I also applaud them, because Martha's story, I've always found the most realistic. And while I'll always resent the writers for kicking the girl while she's down, I'll always love her and no-one can say anything about that.
Damn, that got a little mushy.
I quite liked the end, when she told Donna that this couldn't be forever. I know what Donna, and even Rose said, but I'd like to think they'd realize that that life of running isn't really a life. It's gonna cut you short. Maybe it's me, and I'm bitter and a bitch, but the more you're with him, the more you're like him, and the less "Ten"'s we have in the universe, the fucking better.
But I also quite liked Martha's face when she hugged him goodbye, it struck me as regret that it wasn't meant for her, and resignation, but that she was okay with that. Because I believe she's happy saving the world through UNIT or however she can. And her glee when she twisted her ring and ran off...oh Martha. You are fantastic.
*snuggles Martha*
Damn, it's too late at night to be writing this.
Babble, that's what it was.