Dec 14, 2011 22:14
Okay, I'll be more quiet but yes, I finished my last final yesterday and now I'm at home and it feels so nice to be done with the quarter although I'm anxious to know my grades;;
The last two weeks of classes seemed so brutal to me, but I survived it with some amazing music and videos. 2 weeks ago or something, I was cruising on tumblr and found something that led to me nicovideo and OMG I got so distracted with awesome Hetalia MMD or something and it made me fall in love all over again. And then, I somehow got to the official vids from Uta Puri anime and now I'm addicted to that OP song thanks to some hilarious uttatemita's, which I listened to on repeat for the whole finals week LOL. So after my psych final yesterday, I just watched the whole series last night because idk it seemed exciting and lololol it was. It was so lame but crazy at the same time and it made me so happy and cheerful after dreading over those horrifying exams.
Today, I tried to sell back my textbooks I used in autumn quarter, but the bookstore didn't want/need most of them so I only got like 6 dollars for 4 books I read in history (which were definitely over 10 bucks together, ugh). They didn't take the main textbooks for history and psychology because it's not on their on-demand list but that sucks since those were so expensive. I didn't even use most of the psych book because everything was online. I kind of wanted to keep my history book because I wanted to learn more so it's okay but it seemed so unfair that I had to pay so much for something that depreciates its price so quickly and anyways, I might boycott the our school's bookstore and buy books from online or something. Okay, maybe all poor college is like that, but idk I felt like I got people with such bad customer service, so..../complains. The only good thing is that I can still use my current calculus book for the next level in the calc series, but who knows when the professors upgrade to the next edition so I may not get to sell them even though I bought them brand new. ;A;
So here's my plan for the winter break:
-catch up to fandoms. I'm caught up with Glee now! Wow, that Christmas episode was great and I love Sam so much omggg! And Artie just keeps things so cute!!
-play games just because there's no way I can play during school. X'D I need to finish the P4 walkthrough and 2nd Ace Attorney and play Pokemon again just because. ^^
-read! It's part of catching up fandoms, but I also need to review chemistry because I'm taking it next quarter but apparently it's really hard and I want to get good grades in college. ;w;
-I may or may not practice drawing or playing guitar, but if my fingers feel too cold, idk if it'll happen. *A*;; I feel like doing both of these things though!!
what is my life?