Jul 10, 2011 06:57
I love Fourth of July so much. Lately the weather has been fabulous and I'm loving it completely! And because of that, fireworks look so great. I've been hearing fireworks everywhere around me and actually saw some last night when I kept my windows wide open well into the night.
Now that it's finally bright and warm outside, I'll get my haircut and then eat ice cream (and maybe cake too) today. June was a bit too cold and cloudy and I'm never motivated to do anything in bad weather.
Has anyone got hold of the new Hetalia volume yet? I'll go buy them in Seattle's Kinokuniya but I'm afraid they're a bit too slow at receiving new books...but it looks sooooo good since it has France and Joan of Arc and more nice stories. *A* That reminds me, I need a new America icon...but can never find a satisfying one. D: