(no subject)

Jun 18, 2011 17:54

Ohayo~ Here's a ficlet. Made out of boredom. XDDDD That's why it's so horrible. ;A;

I still don't know what title it should have. *knocks head*

It was a cold, snowy night...

"Hey.. Can you hear me?" I muttered under my breath.



I suddenly woke up. It was just a dream. It's not snowy.. I'm just in a train station. I looked around, and here he is.. he's right here beside me, my head resting against his shoulders.

All of a sudden, my eyes were filled with tears. "What is this.. I can't stop.."

"Hey.." he greeted me awkwardly.

"Hey.. wh-why are you here?" I asked, wiping my tears away.

"Your friends asked me to look after you while they go home. They said you're not feeling well." he replied, looking up at the sky.


"I can't refuse them, y'know."

"Thank you.." I rested my head against his shoulders again. "And sorry.."

"Sorry..?" he asked, looking surprised.

"I'm sorry because.. I was horrible to you... all this time."

"No.. it's okay.." He said, looking into my eyes, brushing away my bangs. "Say.. did you cried?"

"N-no.. why would I cry? Ha..ha.." I force a laugh.

He raised an eyebrow.

"O..okay.. I-- It's okay if you laugh.." I gave in. "I saw a dream.. A dream where you weren't there anymore.. We were supposed to go out for a dinner.. But I was horrible to you, using school as excuse.. a few days after, you passed away. I deeply regretted it. If only I was nicer to you. If.. if only I said 'I love you' more then it definitely would have been better. I wanted us to be happy. I wanted that but you were no longer around.  Say.. are you really here right now..? Can you hear my voice..?"

"Of course I can.." he said. "I'm always by your side anyway."


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