Holiday Money Shortage

Dec 09, 2008 02:21

Its a bit rare to hear about me having no money. It is because even if we really dont have any money, I always get to save for a rainy day to prevent my tummy from acting up again due to its sheer acidity. (read: hunger). But Christmas plus graduation is really getting on my nerves. Heres the low down on whats bugging me lately:

The taken-for-granted labandera and all the guilt that came from taking her for granted:

Yeah, I know I should be thankful for having a labandera who goes to my place to get my clothes and return them after a few days. Not all students up here has a person to wash clothes for them. But the thing is, I treated her like this magic laundry fairy. I would leave dirty clothes outside my room on a monday and after three to four days, my clothes are magically cleaned and pressed.

Then came school work and everything else that I find more important than my laundry, (Ex: school, friends and important personal relationships, scarlet weather rhapsody, overnight game sesions, animoo marathons, the org, and blah blah blah my needs) I began to leave nothing for her to pick up during the monday and sometimes the tuesday after that unfortunate monday. But she still religiously picks my clothes up, wash and press them, and give them back to me in good condition (she makes mistakes sometimes but not really fatal ones).

All is well until she began to ask about the bill for her services. It stumped me. I asked my mom about it and blames it all to me. The bayad for the labandera is supposed to be in my weekly bank deposit. But the thing is, my mom didnt tell me about it so I continue to spend the monthly one thousand pesos to other stuffies. Grrrr!

What makes me even more guilty is my labandera's really long patience. She reminds me every now and then but she has yet to blow her steam off.

I'll pay her tomorrow but not without tightening my belt.

*to be continued*

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