Ladies and gentlemen, friends... I discovered something tonight that I would like to share with you. I... I just don't know what to say but I would appreciate an open discussion. Please invite anyone you can think of who would like to participate.
The topic of discussion:
And now some words from
Dear KT,
I think you are a wonderful artist as well as the teeniest of cutes. I like your guitar antics, and I loved you on buzzcocks! However, I must inform you of something urgently.
You're gay.
You're not just gay, but really, really gay. I thought you were pretty gay when you wore the rainbow coloured suspenders, and then when you wore the gay fedora I thought you were gayer. But the gold spandex? The gold spandex, KT Tunstall?
Those are gay.
They're gayer than gay.
They're the gayest thing on this planet. Possibly in this solar system. It's so gay, that it would take an average gay spaceship 15 years to reach this level of gay in space.
Where they'll be able to see your spandex... as they are golden.
In conclusion, you're gay. I'd advise you to come out as soon as possible and own that you are the gayest gay to ever gay. Then you can wear your spandex with TRUE pride, and you won't have to pretend to date your drummer, who is CLEARLY too femme for you.
P.S. you're gay.
Thank you, Jillie! Those were some great points to ponder...
Now everyone discuss!!!!