May 12, 2005 14:23
This is cross-posted from bluekaffee ... I hate when people do that but I am wayyy too lazy to write another entry
hmmm again it has been a while. i should really update more often.
oh well.
so i guess the first thing is that i got the job that i interviewed for with the federal government, so i am now the assistant official languages coordinator for the newfoundland and labrador federal council (say that three times fast!). basically, i take care of paperwork, translations and other secretarial type stuff for my boss, who is the official languages coordinator. this week has been a bit slow (hence the update while i am here on my lunch break) but apparently things are going to pick up a lot in the coming weeks. i think we have something like 3 meetings a day every day next week. craziness! anyways, best part (besides working in french, which is actually a lot of fun ... i am wayyyy more comfortable speaking french around people than i was a week ago!) is that i am getting paid $11.68 an hour! woo woo i loves the government jobs :)
on to more exciting things ... last weekend was relaxing, though i didn't make it to gary's house on friday night because i bumped my head REALLY HARD off of shane's bed (don't ask). this meant that i took a lot of good drugs friday night and slept while my sweetie of a boyfriend took care of me, brought me popsicles and played mario sunshine. saturday night we watched the oc (we taped it from thursday) and most of the first star wars movie ... we are going to see the third one when it comes out and since i hadn't seen the first two we figured it would probably make sense!
i spent my break earlier this morning reading through my backentries on livejournal. it really astounds me how much i have changed in the past year and a half, without even realizing it for the most part. i feel a lot differently about a lot of things, and i definitely feel a lot older. however, this may have something to do with the fact that i am currently wearing a blouse TUCKED IN! i look like i'm 30, in a teeny short person's body. OH WELL i realized long ago that i am not going to grow anymore. damn!
i've been studying for the lsat here at work on my breaks, which is quite frustrating. sometimes i get all or almost all the problems in a particular section right, other times i get them almost all wrong. there is no consistency whatsoever ... meaning i just have to keep plowing through the examples. oh what fun! i am also starting to get panicked about what i am going to do after i graduate next year, even though i'm not moving until at least a year from now. i have to seriously start thinking about where/what i'm applying for come fall, and then the decisions begin ... oh dear. i'm really looking forward to getting somewhere and starting the next phase of my life; unfortunately, i am not looking forward to the process that leads to this whatsoever. hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ... lots of thinking to be done.
i think i am going to have an exec meeting for history society next week sometime to start brainstorming what we want to do this year. i really want to do an amazing job as president and it's clear that this will take a LOT of planning/organization on my part. i am also trying to get work started on my dissertation, which is slow going ... i'm just trying to focus on context for now. haven't TOUCHED the books for the reading course, i think i'll tackle those next week sometime. as much as i LOVE LOVE LOVE my job part of me wishes it wasn't 8:30-4:30, m-f so at least i would have some time to focus on this stuff besides evenings and weekends. prime example: i have to get shane to get some microfilms for me while he's at school tomorrow, because the media & data centre is closed by the time i get off work. *grumble grumble grumble*
anyways, i think julie is having a birthday party on saturday, so this should be a fun weekend. after work tomorrow, i have to pick up shane then head to my brother's meet and greet, then we'll grab a bite to eat, then blue rodeo/MATT MAYS concert!! saturday mom is having all steve's friends for breakfast so we are getting up for that, then i believe i am helping julie get ready in the afternoon then partying that night! unfortunately, i will probably head into cherwinski's office on sunday to do the scanning i have left for him :(
i apologize for this long entry. i am finished my lunch yet don't want to start work again. i would also like to apologize for my lack of commenting on other people's journals - though i rarely say anything, i ALWAYS read what you have to say and think about you all :) so don't think i'm a bitch, please. i'm just not a huge commenter.
ooooh my cousin had a baby today! it's a girl. they actually didn't know the sex, which is so rare and SO cool. so now they know :) except i don't know the name yet, oh well.
i need to save money this summer. except i really want to buy uggs and an ipod. oh well. guess they will just have to go on my wishlist. i spend too much money as it is.
i need a girls' night! who's in? we can do the chill out, watch movies, do our hair thing or the drinking/downtown thing, i don't care ... i just want to see some females :)
this entry is getting more and more random by the minute - too bad. though if you're still reading, i admire you!
hmmmmmmmm what else can i talk about that will delay me from starting work for another 5 minutes ..... hmmmm ..... i believe i am going to have a shitty schedule for fall, or so it seems. history course offerings (tentative) are out, so it looks like i'll be doing the two honours reading courses (m,t,w,r 3:30-4:45) and the canadian homefront seminar (t,r 9:00-10:15). boo-urns. there are also my french courses to consider.
oh well, i guess i had better get started on this afternoon's project - creating a calendar of french events (going to march 2006) centred around canadian heritage events and "brown-bag lunches." i do not mind this at all since it is similar to what i am trying to coordinate for history society plus i am getting me some government connections! woot woot.
anyways! that is all. really.
bye bye
p.s. shane is awesome :) i didn't talk about you enough this entry!