Apr 28, 2005 13:40

Please excuse the lack of upper-case letters, I wrote this on BlueKaffee! Enjoy!

hmmm a lot is new since i have last been on here, i am just super lazy and i suck at updating. oh well!

last history mixer was good, in that matthew and i managed to pull everything together and have one last party. shane saved our asses though by driving all over town in the afternoon to pick up stuff ... thanks baby :) and speaking of wonderful boyfriends who do wonderful things, shane also took wonderful care of me that night when i got REALLY messed up. since i didn't have much to drink, those who saw the absolute state i was in are wondering if there was something more than alcohol in my drink ... pretty scary thought. either way, i am okay now, thanks to mom and shane's bedside vigil, and i will be wayyy more careful in the future. girls, WATCH YOUR DRINKS! with the shape i was in, anyone could have done anything to me and i wouldn't have known the difference. thanks again shane, you really are my ryan ... :) awwwwwwwwwwwww ...

anyways enough cheesiness! exams went well, especially since i only had two. i studied a lot for both though, particulary canadian history ... apparently dr. cherwinski didn't think i devoted enough time to this (*cough* 2000-level course, when i was taking four others, including three 4000-level seminars ...). however, i kicked the exam's ass and he is happy with me once again :) once i found out i only needed a 68 in religious studies to keep my A i relaxed a bit, but i was still stressed for the exam. all this indulgence and reformation crap is not for me ... religion is just not my thing. but, the main thing is, THIS SEMESTER IS OVER!!!!!!!! it is summer!!!!! and i am actually taking a break from school (sort of) for more than three weeks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this excites me.

so, marks came out today! i was very pleased :)

canadian history - 82
nf history seminar - 82
world war II seminar - 84
historiography - 84 (yes! yes! yes! the ridiculous amount of trees i killed to do the photocopying for this course was worth it!)
religious studies - 85

And the GPA survives another semester ... whew ...

so now i have a break from courses until september ... ahhhhh. i already know which courses i will be taking in the fall too ... both honours reading courses, cherwinski's canadian homefront seminar, french 2101 and another 2000-level french. should be a stressful semester, i can't wait :)

history society agm was on the 15th, and i am now officially president! matthew is vp, tiff is treasurer, robine is secretary ... woo woo for a fun exec! we are going to have such an awesome year, i can't wait :) i think i will make us shirts that say "i ♥ history" ... what do YOU think?! hahahahah i am such a douchebag. ANYWAYS, i am going to have a bbq soon to start planning the awesomeness that will constitute next year (my last!) at mun. wooooooooo for being almost finished!

speaking of matthew, silly boy is gone back to nova scotia for the summer. sucky that one of my very best friends is gone, and possibly (?) not coming back in september. we hung out a bit last week, but not much because of exams ... i drove him to the airport last saturday morning, where there were many tears and many hugs :*( i miss my franz ferdinand buddy ... who wants to have a franz party with me (sans alcohol this time, thank you) and dance it up?! shane?!?!?!?!!?!?!!!?!?! :)

i had a job interview today at the canadian heritage office, for a bilingual assistant to the official languages coordinator or something like that. it went well i think, and i am crossing my fingers that i get it but i am not holding out any hope. the interview was CRAZY though, a half hour oral interview (partly in french), followed by a half hour written test in which i had to organize a bunch of tasks and justify my organization (in french!) and then translate this massive memo thingy from french to english. all in all, it was a good experience so even if i don't get the job i am glad i had the interview :) i also gave my resume to my friend krista who works at chapters ... so HOPEFULLY i get an in there, since it would be the absolute awesomest place in the entire world to work (and that has NOTHING to do with chapters guy possibly still working there!)

not going to ottawa for the conference ... no job = not enough money, plus i don't even know that i could get the time off work if i did get a job. meh, i don't really care anymore. i will be out of here next year so ... whatevah!!!

even though i don't have a job (yet *crosses fingers*) this summer has the potential to be very busy. i ordered a bunch of lsat prep books the other day so now i have to start studying ... (i'm writing the lsat in october). i really really really want to get a mad amount of work done on my dissertation (i.e. draft done by august) so i have to get hopping on that. plus i have the first three books photocopied for 4821 reading course to read, and society stuff to do! i still have some mucep/ccri hours to finish too, but that will be done by the first week of may. finally, i have to hang out with my super-duper boyfriend (didn't forget you this time baby!), who my brother actually thought had moved in during exams. bahahahahaha ... well he was here. a lot. a lot a lot ... so i guess steve was justified!

hmmmmmmm i won a prize in nf history! for $100! so rather than save the little money i have, i bought makeup! YAY MAC for reducing their shipping charges ... i got a blush/bronzer duo, green (!) mascara, concealer, tinted lip conditioner, and 10 different kinds of eyeshadow (paint, stick and potted) woo woo i can't wait for this weekend to play with it all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i will post some pics!

i guess that is about all, shane-dizzle should be here soon so i am going to go get back in bed, where i have been all day since my interview (damn stomach). bye everyone!

xoxoxoxoxo and ♥

p.s. i am OBSESSED with lost! booo shane for tv addictions

EDIT: HOW IN THE HELL DID I FORGET TO MENTION THAT SHANE AND I ARE GOING TO SEE BLUE RODEO/MATT MAYS (!!!!!) ON MAY 13TH!!!! weeeeeeeeeeee i am way more excited for matt mays because i have seen blue rodeo 34538975893745 times, but they will still be awesome. yay!
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