Jun 26, 2007 08:55
I went to bed in the worst mood last night- didn't sleep very well- and woke up in an even worse mood.
Honestly.....i'm over being around nikki. I've realized that she brings me down in so many ways.
1. She complains more than anyone I have ever met in my life. EVER!
2. She is a brown-noser of the worst kind. She complains about the people she is sucking up to....she's a grade b kiss ass though, because everyone is sick of hearing her talk.
3. She talks about her boyfriend too much....not to be a bitch but if i hear one more thing about this loser who got a DUI and still has an affinity for driving drunk I might just throw myself off the roof. HE'S A FUCKING MORON!
4. This also is from #1 but she doesn't eat properly....or much at all as a sad attempt at losing weight....well I'm all for doing that seeing as I am over weight myself...but she's a bitch about it....and make me feel guilty about what I eat. also if you're hungry eat for crying out loud....don't bitch to me about it...totally rediculous.
5. We share a suite. So that means we share a bathroom. We have to be at work by 7:30.....she knows I take a 8 minute shower...(something I have gotten very good at) where as she takes a 15-20 minute one...now...in my head that means she should get up earlier....since I take all together 20 minutes to get ready. This is NEVER the case. She gets up at 7 when i have my clock set and beats me to the shower everytime...so i go back to bed and wake up with literally 10 minutes to get ready- then she has the audacity to ask me to hurry so she isn't late. This morning I didn't even respond. i told her to just leave me. she didn't...and then complained that we were so late... (5 minutes so shut the fuck up!)
6. Also....she owes me money. I bought her dinner one night because I was sick of eating on campus, I also have put a total of 15.00 on the card for us to do laundry....i ave done 3 loads of laundry all together at 1.75 each.....and last night all the money was gone save .40$.....wtf!
7. She goes to bed at like 9pm and complains about being tired......no seriously.
8. She's the loudest person on the planet. In addition to having severe voice imogolation....(see will ferrell sketch) she walks loudly and slams doors, and and and listens to her god awful country music (and i like SOME country) very loudly....just kill me now.
9. She's flat out rude. it could be the jersey/philly girl in her....but sometimes the shit she says is just rude. She corrects people a lot and tends to be very judgy about things she knows nothing about.
I don't have a 10...i really don't but I'm kind of over it. People have been asking me here if we are getting along and Ijust say that next year they should have the interns separate. I'm too tired today to deal with her bullshit so I'm being immature and halfway ignoring her.
I'm a likeable person....the other intern chris likes me as do the people I talk to in the office, so I know it's not me.... Im just so ready for summer to be over. honestly.
oooh and she wants to go to taste of chicago this weekend...and sadly I might bail because I can't deal with her bitching about 90 degree weather, crowds, and/or the city....because I love it all and I might have to cut a bitch.