There's totally no rape in the show! Ever! The imprints count as totally being independent people! Having consent programmed into you totally counts as real consent!
Also, the "oh, I don't see it as skeevy, so they're just bad feminists!" and the girl who doesn't get feminist film theory, even though she's *shock* done years of it or whatever.
I suspect they're not far away from "They're all just jealous and don't get laid."
Actually, I went to bed. But I was seriously considering the tequila.
Yeah, I've got a couple people on my flist who love and adore it, and... I generally see no point in ranting about something I dislike (unless Ron Moore wrote it, then it's fair game), so I usually just shut up.
I am NOT READING THE COMICS no one can make me. I have to admit, there's one good thing, because it got me rewriting the crossover I keep threatening where Gunn becomes a shinigami, and that's a far better fate.
"So, that show by the guy you love really sucks, huh?" Yeah.
As much of a comics geek as I am, I was tempted to read the Angel ones. and then they seemed to be all about Spike and Angel, who both, um, bore me But, er, hearing about that.. no. NO.
Ohh! Yay. *asks roommate for definition and considers* That would work.
I was convinced they wanted me to read the Angel comics because they did put in Gwen Raiden and Connor, but reading the first few issues only reminded me of why I chose not to watch the last season. I really haven't heard anything about them since, but this conversation is making me curious...
See, unlike the original version, nu!Cable didn't interest me in the least. And I've no idea who Gwen is. I gave up on the show when Cordelia ascended (though it had been sort of crap before then).
I don't drink. What do you have?
I suspect they're not far away from "They're all just jealous and don't get laid."
Actually, I went to bed. But I was seriously considering the tequila.
(sorry, instant reaction)
Yeah, I've got a couple people on my flist who love and adore it, and... I generally see no point in ranting about something I dislike (unless Ron Moore wrote it, then it's fair game), so I usually just shut up.
I think she doesn't think it's very good, but I feel like I'm poking a finger into a sore wound if I bring it up.
Ahh. Yeah. That, too.
"So, that show by the guy you love really sucks, huh?" Yeah.
Ohh! Yay. *asks roommate for definition and considers* That would work.
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