comics: Witchblade #118-123, Captain America #43-46

Apr 04, 2009 00:51

I read these a few weeks ago and wrote them up, and then completely forgot to post on them.  I'm sorry, beloved U.S. comivd that I actually still read!  i swear that I didn't do it deliberately!

Witchblade #118-123: I forgot we were due for and appearance by an Aprodite unit. I always liked Aphrodite, despite the eternal breaks in her series. (Actually, I should find and reread that, and see how it compares to Dollhouse. IIRC, the concept was somewhat similar.) Also, I’m thinking that the “Finch” girl in Dani’s class may be related, given who Aphrodite’s creator is. While I still love Marz’s Sara (except when Gleason is around, where she loses her edge) I’m not comfortable with all the religious plotlines. “Evil Crusaders” is something I’m used to (and it wasn’t really a religious plot) but the jews and voodoo woman were almost uncomfortably stereotypical for me. Sadly, I still can’t like Gleason at all. I wouldn’t mind his Gary Stu-ness as much if Marz hadn’t gotten rid of (usually after some prime character butchering) all the other, more interesting men in Sara’s life to make room for Gleason. I mean, really, if he wanted a wholesome healing cock to make all of Sara’s angst and issues evaporate, why not just keep Jake, who at least had interesting issues and problems of his own, instead of the cheap ripoff? (I also think their sex scenes are far more objectifying than anything Turner ever drew.)

Captain America #43-46: Batroc! Needed more Batroc! World War II buddy heroes were fun. Faceless Shadow Guy and child genius (child or grown) weren’t quite as fun. I’d kind of expected more words out of Namor over the “Bucky is Cap now” bit. I’m sad that Sharon seems to be off in limbo until Faustus comes back with totally-not-really-dead Baby Rogers and Sharon beats Faustus up for taking her kid and Has Words with him about brainwashing but am glad Natasha is sticking around.

comics: witchblade, comics: captain america, comics

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