manga: Apothecarius Argentum Vol 4-6

Feb 27, 2009 01:32

Hmm…I’m getting a bit tired of the Navara princes. I like them, now that they’ve grown on me, but every time they show up, they threaten to taken over the book. Looks like they’ll be pretty important in the main plot, though.

More people deciding to be grownups instead of angsting! More plotting! Not enough flashbacks to baby!Primula and wee!angry!Argent! More hair!kink!

I love Primula essentially adopting Garna as a second father-against his wishes-but am not as fond of Primula and Lorca’s engagement, even though it’s clear that nothing will come of it. And we have (had?) another basilisk! I’m not incredibly thrilled with her being cast in the seductress role, but it is the most logical role.

I’m enjoying Argent and Soda being off looking for the cure to his condition, even if it does sadly mean that Primula isn’t around as much. I find it funny that Argent can be more honest about his feelings in the letters. He also seemed to be getting worked up and/or flustered a lot more easily before taking off. I also can’t help but notice that he’s developing a good bad habit of literally kissing Primula unconscious. I anticipate her learning that he cut and died his hair! And Soda’s future wife! I love that she is a younger and more mercenary minded Primula!

Incidentally, I’m glad that time actually passes in this manga. It makes the wearing down of Argent’s nerves and the king’s urgency and Primula’s stepping up go smoother, and it also means that Soda’s growing up and starting to lose some of his more annoying traits.

The main plot with the southern kingdom taking over everything seems to be kicking off, as does looking into Argent’s condition and his people. I’m guessing the mangaka plans to tell her story and end the series, rather than make it last as long as possible. I tend to prefer things that way.

shoujo, manga, manga: apothecarius argentum, books

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