manga: Wallflower Vol 18

Feb 06, 2009 10:33

I think my brain was broken beyond all recovery when Sunako was working as a hostess, and was popular for her cleaning.

The bit with Takenaga having to go back to his family was cute. Sunako uses karate chops to cut and arrange flowers! Noi scales walls to visit Takenaga! Sunako runs around like a ninja, and is scared of old ladies!

Really, though, I think Noi is the only shoujo heroine (she totally still counts) who can be this obsessively into a guy and maintain her dignity.

I wonder, though, are the Nakaharas a prestigious family? I thought Auntie just had a rich husband, but they were talking about them here like they were an important family.

Sunako getting the boys to meet the goth girls in exchange for weird dolls would have been concerning if she hadn’t been willing to turn them over to savage hordes for chocolate at Valentines. This was just a little stroll. But I loved how all their crushes transferred to Sunako after she beat up Kyohei.

Noi remains the most awesome shipper ever. She’ll never stop trying to get Kyohei and Sunako to be a normal shoujo couple. I was surprised, though, that actual progress was made and Kyohei kissed her when she was listing off all the reasons they couldn’t possibly be in love. Then again, I’ve always thought he was at least somewhat aware of his feelings for Sunako, he just keeps them repressed out of self-preservation. Judging from Sunako’s reaction to the kiss, though, she’ll need a lot of therapy of a certain kind before she reaches that point.

manga, manga: wallflower, books

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