Kaze Hikaru Vol 5-6

Dec 16, 2008 11:40

Was anyone else a bit surprised that the manga actually directly referenced shudo, and had Saito seriously considering it? (Granted, Sei is a girl, but…) Mind you, the manga hasn’t exactly shied away from the subject, I just wasn’t expecting it to be so bluntly addressed. I’m not really fond of the shoujo crossdressing trope where the friend who doesn’t know the heroine is a girl falls for her and gets confused and wonders if he likes boys now, but this was a pretty good handling of it, though I’m concerned that most of Saito’s scenes now seem to revolve around his liking Sei but not liking boys and being jealous of Okita. I also have problems believing that he really doesn’t know that Sei is a girl.

The series itself is becoming more and more obviously an excuse to write about the Shinsengumi as historical fact as opposed to an independent adaptation (not that the mangaka has ever pretended otherwise) but I don’t mind. I’m glad the mangaka brought up the belief that Okita coughed up blood at Ikedaya, because that’s always struck me as odd in my sketchy knowledge of his history. (Also: WHEE! First battle!)

I liked the bit where Kondo wanted to adopt Sei as his son, and they had to think of a way to get out of it. I also like how Okita got extremely jealous over it (though I suspect he lumped a few other things in with jealousy). Though, since Okita wants to follow Kondo into death if necessary and Sei plans to do the same if Okita dies, I am concerned by the prospect of Sei acquiring followers, especially as she’s working on a reputation of being a demon in battle. Not to mention the fact that the mangaka is required to kill Okita eventually. And if she doesn’t and ends the manga before we reach that point, then we’ll be left with Sei’s vow…

manga: kaze hikaru, manga, books

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