Sarah Connor Chronicles: Season 1, ep 7

Sep 10, 2008 22:29

Interesting watching this having just learned of the Very Unfortunate Spoiler from the new episode.

Cameron dancing was beautiful. Though Derek watching her made me think of my thought in ep 6 that the house they're living in is the same one he was held prisoner in, and that Cameron's room is the torture chamber. or something very similar. Which spawns a "Cameron is on a time loop" theory. Or something. Because wasn't that the same music that was playing when Derek was taken up there? Also, that must have been one very slender cop Cameron mugged.

I also like that she didn't look back or think twice when her contact and his sister were killed. most "Robot/inhuman curious about humans" characters do that.

I like seeing Lena Headey's version of crazy!Sarah in the institution. Not sure about her signing over custody of John, though I can't remember if it was in the movie or not. And I love that she kind of created a follower in her doctor.

I begin to get more and more concerned by Ellison's being in danger. Aside from Derek, he's the only expendable one! He should not be at the mercy of crazy psychiatrists! Though I am very happy he was rescued by Sarah.

I remain neutral about Derek, but I love how his talk with John was all:

John: "You are my uncle but you do not know it and I will angst and look at you with giant wanting puppy eyes and expect you to be my father figure."
Derek: "You are strange and I dislike future!you but also kind of hero worship and will die for you and I'm sorry, but are you wanting me to tell you about girls?"

sarah and river beat things up, tv: sarah connor chronicles

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