Sarah Connor Chronicles: Season 1, ep 5

Sep 01, 2008 19:43

PULL UPS!  PULL UPS USING THE SWINGSET!  *happy T2 flashbacks*  Not quite as good as standing your hospital bed on its side and using that, but close enough.

You know, I've been seeing the "I call shotgun!"  "I call nine millimeter!" exchange for a while, but for some reason, I thought that it was them actually claiming guns, not John using slang and Cameron taking it literally.

Cameron has to be a psychologist's worst nightmare.  There is nothing to work with there.  And does John's new buddy with vaguely-manga-like hair like her?  I think he does.  That can only end sadly for him.  As is also true of the blonde girl John seems to like.  Will not end well.

And Derek Reese is properly debutted.  Who he was is something I was spoiled for a while back, but I don't really know much else.  I loved how he was all "I hit girls in the face!" when he fought with Sarah in the hall, then "Hero worship!" in the jail cell.  I'm kind of neutral about him overall, though.  There was a bit of a narrative "Look!  Mysterious, attractive male!  Automatically fascinating!" feel to his scene with Sarah, and if I didn't know he is who he says he is, I'd suspect him of being up to something with the way he told Sarah his identity.  We'll see how he works out.  Also, razor blade under the barcode?  With no apparent covering between it and his muscles and veins?  And a lifestyle that expects a fair bit of hand-to-hand combat?  *brain goes to concerning places*

Speaking of the jail scene, Lena Headey looks great with short hair.

And I notice there is now an extra T-888 chip floating around.

But alas, poor Andy had to die.  I was actually a bit surprised he came back this soon.  I figured he'd show up with a new and improved program a season or two later, not a few episodes later.  Like Sarah, I'm surprised Cameron didn't bring up letting him live sooner.  Who else thinks Cameron killed him anyway?  And I loved Cameron looking at the earlier-model robots.

I'm a bit surprised that Sarah believed Derek that quickly, but then, she may just be reacting to the idea of family.  It's interesting that John apparently never told Derek about Kyle.  Then again, how would that work out.  "Oh, by the way, I'm your nephew.  I technically committed fratricide by sending your brother. my father, back in time to save my motherm father me, and die.  Wanna do Sunday lunch?"  I wonder if Derek knew Kyle died, or if he thought Kyle was still protecting them, or at least had for a while.  Maybe future!John sent Derek back because he figured he should give young!John a break.  I do continue to like the evidence that Sarah still has the softer side under the ability to kick anyone's butt.  And does anyone think she joined mercenary groups for the babysitters?

I withhold judgement on the Charlie plotline until I see how it goes.  Hoping they don't make his wife evil or anything, though.

sarah and river beat things up, tv: sarah connor chronicles

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