Stargate SG-1: Season 10, eps 1-4

May 01, 2008 13:32

10.1: Flesh and Blood:

+Vala, you chose a very bad time to go into labor. Just FYI.

+All the talk about SGA lately made me forget the about the heavy handed religious rhetoric here.

+Somebody please rescue Sam from floating in deep space. Thank you.

+Wait wait just told Sam your beaming technology is offline. Why are you now telling Teal’c that you beamed people aboard?

+mini!Vala certainly is growing up fast.


+Yes, Cameron, go fetch Sam now, thank you.

+Oh Teal’ didn’t have the Jaffa overthrown for a year before you found a new cause to make dramatic speeches about.

+Quite the mouth mini!Vala has on her.

+Daniel has come to get his Vala. Actually, he may have just ended up there, I don’t know. "Oh, I had a baby." I love you, Vala.

+Origins is about to become more appealing to the men of the galaxy. She named mini!Vala Adria after the wicked stepmother.

+I think Cameron makes Bra’tac miss Jack.

+Oh, Cameron, Bar’tac does not appreciate this thing where you tell people to talk to him while he’s right there. (Excellent point, though. Suicide. Bad idea.)

+How did I know Daniel was going to grab Vala as he was being beamed off?

10.2: Morpheus:

+Oh dear, Vala isn’t allowed to go along and play. That won’t last. Ok, it lasted...2 minutes? Teal’c’s status kinda ruined any argument against it.

+Is she seriously cramming for a psychiatric evaluation?

+Uhm, yeah, more King Arthur stuff. And skeletons.

+Oh Vala, you are doing so very, very badly at this.

+This is going to be one of those worlds where everyone went to sleep and never woke up, isn’t it?

+Lam got a mention, dare I hope?

+Oh Wolsey, why are you asking Vala to be a spy? Don’t you know that your principles and refusal to be underhanded are what made you somewhat likable?

+They have little frog things growing in them? Uhm, eew.

+Well, what do you know. Get Sam sleepy enough, and you actually will get a bit of an annoyed look when you give her the "foreign language" look.

+Oh thank goodness, Wolsey was just testing her. I can stop being annoyed about that now.

10.3: The Pegasus Project:

+I see Daniel and Cameron are back to picking at each other like a pair of five year olds.


+Why am I seeing all the main Atlantis people listed in the credits except for Teyla?

+McKay, why are we falling back on our old habit of assuming Sam is always wrong and doesn’t know what she’s talking about? I thought we were past that.

+Sheppard has volunteered to shoot him if he interrupts Sam again. I vote he interrupts Sam just one more time.

+Cameron, I love you even more for interrupting McKay for every "they can’t think" assumption. I think Sam and Weir were smirking.

+Sheppard is much more enjoyable, here. And since there’s more pointing out what an @$$ McKay is, the edge of that annoyance is taken off, too. Comes from writers who don’t worship them, I think.

+Atlantis really is Daniel Disneyland, isn’t it? They may never get him to leave.

+And there’s McKay’s massive crush on Sam. I’m incapable of disliking him when it rears its head.

+Weir loves playing tour guide.

+I forget that Daniel and Vala are also a pair of five year olds. Teal’c and Sam are the only adults left.

+I think Cameron may literally tear McKay’s head off if he doesn’t get that crush of his under control. It’s likely the borderline sexual harassment part he objects to.

+I was waiting for Cameron to threaten McKay with the lemon.

+What’s this, was Weir actually just allowed to be decisive?

+I wonder if Teal’c took a book with him on this never ending waiting game. Or Star Wars.

+Weir gets to talk to an ancient. I think that’s like Christmas for her.

+Wow, an Ancient is actually displaying humility.

+Stupid oppressive Ancient hive mind.

+I have no idea what Sam did, but I think I’m very impressed. And they got an Ori and a Wraith ship both in the process. Wait...did one episode with Sam accomplish more than a whole season of SGA did on the Wraith front?

10.4: Insiders:


+Yes Teal’c, everyone wants Ba’al dead. Despite my love, I do rather think that’s for the bvest myself. Even his clones want him dead...

+As good as the scene with Vala figuring out Ba’al’s plan was, did it strike anyone else as a little odd that it was Vala who figured it out?

+Vala, please tell people what you’re doing when you run off to do something foolish. It’s better for their blood pressure.

+Aah, multiple Ba’als again. And they keep growing.

+Show, you did so well for so long about not resorting to Ba’als/balls jokes. Why did you ruin that?

+Something is up with the NID guy who likes Sam. I suspect he is now a goa’uld/had goa'uld brainwashing.

+Well of course all the Ba’als are breaking out together. I detect a mass clone uprising.

+This Sam/Ba’als scene created shippers, didn’t it.

+Yup, brainwashing.

A few bits:

+The religious rhetoric of the whole Ori plot is grating.

+I like Vala, but I can't help but think Sam's getting sidelined a bit for her.  I noticed there wasn't as much focus on her last season, but I assumed it was because Amanda Tapping had her baby at the beginning of the season, and to help us get used to Cameron and Vala.

+SGA in SG-1 is better than SGA itself.

+Except for Sam and Teal'c, everyone is mentally 5 once you get 2 in the same room.  It manages to be endearing.

tv: stargate

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