linkblogging stuff

Apr 14, 2008 14:48

Since a few of you have asked about this and others have mentioned it, not knowing that it's in pretty much my backyard:  The police raided a polygamist compound outside Eldorado, TX where young girls(as young as 12, I believe) were being married off, resulting in over 400 children being relocated to San Angelo(where I live) making this the biggest family law case...uhm...ever, I think.  Here is an article that sums up the current status and links to the background.

Unless people want me to, I likely won't be commenting on this much unless it afects my personal life.  Not because I don't care(far from it), but because I expect it'll be pretty well publicized by people far better at such things than I.

On the fannish front, there's a meme going around about female characters you love, who seem to get grief from fandom.  I've tried doing it a few times, but my list is far, far too long.  However,

rawles  has a post that pretty well explains why it's hard for me to do so, and my reactions to most of fandom in general.

Especially this part:

sainfoin_fields has coined terms for two afflictions from which I currently suffer (she too has these issues): Fictional Lesbianism and Anyanka Syndrome.

Fictional Lesbianism is pretty simple. The vast majority of the time, I will care about, invest in, identify with, empathize with, and feel the pathos of female characters exponentially more than male ones. It's not that I don't love many a dude; I am, in fact, very, very fond of boys and I like imaginary ones best of all. But most of the time, there needs to be a strong female presence for me to muster up some caring, in general, and I will usually love my favourite girl characters more than my favourite males ones.

The second affliction is more complicated and troublesome than the first. Anyanka Syndrome is quite simply the INSANELY INCONVENIENT compulsion to be completely obsessed with any mistreated female character, be the source of her mistreatment canon, fandom, or some mixture of both. My list of Leftover Ladies of Fiction is long and frustrating and emotionally draining.

And these two things...they pretty much completely control everything I ever do in fandom.

She also says a lot of things that I've tried to say before, but failed pretty miserably at.

But to end on a cheerier note:  Many on my f-list are suddenly watching The Romance of Red Dust.  I have no idea how they discovered it, but it thrills me to see the posts on the subject popping up.

rachelmanija  posts here and here

oyceter  posts here

shewhohashope  posts here

coffeeandink  posts here

Only Rachel's second post covers past ep 5.  GO READ THEM!!!  And...if I have missed a post, tell me.

yhlee   posts on the first three episodes of Damo.  Go read that, too.

real life, kdrama: damo, feminism, cdrama: romance of red dust, linkblogging, fictional lesbianism

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