Cantarella Vol 5

Mar 06, 2008 17:42

This volume was mostly about Juan being a whiny spineless brat.  The above sums up my general feelings on Juan, and this most of his parts of the book.  Were I not at work, I would have cheered when he died.

I do, however, adore Sancia.  I should probably be annoyed with her for pitting(or trying to, at least) Juan and Cesare against each other and not stopping Juan when he wanted to kill Cesare, but really, I can't be.  She's just so fun and sassy.

But there was also Chiarro being chained up and tortured.  Uhm...given the standards by which I am reading this book, I have nothign resembling objects to this.  (Since he got rescued and better and all.)  There was also Cesare going psycho and demonic and murderous over the cesare torturing, and i think I almost saw the famed crystal wings, too.  Meanwhile, Volpe might as well be walking around with an "in love with Cesare" badge, and Mothman Monk(yes, his name is Niccolo, but that isn't as fun to say) is being his awesomely machiavellian self.

Chiaro  is also sneaking into the convent(!!!) to sneak Lucrezia out for frolicking.  It is cute.  They should stop doing such things, as it cannot end well for them.  And not only because Chiarro is in love with Lucrezia who is in love with Cesare who is in love with Chiaro.  This is just the kind of book where Very Bad Things happen to you when  when you're off being forbidden lovers and one is a lady and the other her brothers assassin.  I shall enjoy the no doubt epic amounts of angst on all three sides, though.

Also, what's with the covers?  The front is all "torture and bondage" which is fine and all, but considering the content, that should be Chiaro, not Cesare(I prefer Chiaro, so sue me) and the back cover has Lucrezia looking like a porcelain doll and Cesare all armored and protective...and seemingly one armed...

manga, a: higuri you, books, manga: cantarella

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