Bourne Ultimatum and more

Jan 30, 2008 21:59

Yes, I was too lazy to make a new Bourne-angst pic, so I'm recycling another. Maybe I shall do so later.

Uhm, actually, I have little to add that I didn't say in the last post.

Angst reaches even more epic levels. Even more cars are wrecked. Bourne beats people up and dances circles around government people who are trying to keep up with him. Pam is extremely awesome.

Julia Stiles decides to try to match Matt Damon in the unsmiling angst department. She doesn't succeed, but I admire her for trying. I maintain that puppies were killed in front of them before scenes to make sure no smiling took place.

Meanwhile, Nikki finally adds something to the plot. In general, I am pleased by this. However, her becoming a fugitive to help Bourne was an amazingly TSTL moment and made no logical sense, no matter how many hints they dropped about their past(that he doesn't remember and gives no indication he wants to or cares about, making it all fairly irrelevant anyway.) I could handwave it, but she's always so sensible beyond that. I think that she saw a future where she became Pam and was far smarter and more awesome than anyone else around, but had to put up with silly men who think pointing and shouting indicates suspense and tension, and that loudly talking over each other indicates deep thinking and analytical abilities.

Personally, I think Pam should take over the world with Nikki as her Girl Friday and Bourne her hitman. Except that Pam has too many morals for that. And Bourne is too busy angsting in a cabin is the woods somewhere or something.

Incidentally, to explain the song in the Wuxia Bourne vid(beyond it being a good epic wuxia song)it is from a wuxia where one of the heroes is an assassin. At one point, he has amnesia. His wife dies twice. The first time, of course, she wasn't really dead. She was just at the bottom of a cliff and couldn't get out. He wanders around the desert for months, randomly calling out her name and hoping he dies of dehydration or something. They get reunited, of course, but later she dies for real. He carries her body around for a while, and after he buries her, he spends weeks sitting at her gravesite, staring at the grave marker. He is, of course, now a very easy-to-find assassin, so all his enemies come to kill him. When they come, he covers the grave marker(I guess so she won't see him killing them, though she never really had any problems with his past once it was his past...she was too practical to obsess over such things) and then puts on a blindfold before fighting. I have no idea why he made himself fight blind. Maybe there was some secret message about him not wanting to see them as people or something. I don't know. He also kept their swords. When we saw him at the grave, he had about a dozen strapped to his body. I don't know. Largely, I just admire the epic assassin angst.
Also, for an explanation of Wuxia Bourne, here is the Wuxia Bourne post. Cheers for anyone(who doesn't already know, and without looking at comments) if you can pick out the Handsome Siblings couple. Wuxia Bourne was actualy born in another post. I'd link to it, but it involves 50 or so comments between myself, calixa and lesbiassparrow. As is usual for us, we got rather carried away. It can be found under lesbiassparrow's "bourne" tag, though.

And finally, I bring evidence of Bourne's deepseated grudge against cars:

image Click to view

Uhm...I have no idea what I could possibly watch next to live up to this.

movies, cdrama: handsome siblings, wuxia bourne, movies: bourne

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