Slayers eps 19-26

Jan 29, 2008 14:49

Random notes as I have little of substance to say that I didn't already say:

1.  Characters in this show continued to be amazingly sensible.  Especially Amelia.  Sharp metal things and magical projectiles headed her way?  Duck behind the guy with impenetrable, rock hard skin.  Get told to beat it before she ends up in the line of fire?  No complaints, no questioning, that girl is hoofing it.  Dangerous things flying around the room?  Crawl under them.  So she can hide behind the guy with impenetrable, rock hard skin.  Meanwhile, they still manage to make slapstick running away be the sensible thing to do.

2.  They also plan.  Intelligently.  And competently pull off plans and traps.  I was flabbergasted.  Regularly.

3.  For once, in an anime/manga that's supposed to be about a strong, intelligent female actually is about her.  The guys aren't decoration or wusses, but for once, their story isn't made to be more important than the main character's, just because they're the guy.

4.  Female characters were modestly, sensibly clothed and didnot have ginormous breasts.  Except Eris.  The chest and outfit were the clue she was truly evil.

5.  The universe almost ended because a guy didn't want to be blind anymore.  That's, like, the antithesis of all anime and manga, where eye loss=good.  Especially Clamp.

6.  One day, someone will shoot blood out of their shoulder, have forehead blood spill down and cover half their face(converniently missing the eye and not blinding them) or get run through, and they will actually be affected by it, and maybe even die, and I'll call them wusses.

7.  Is having half your vision obscrued by your bangs just a really "in" thing for 90s anime?  Both Zelgadis and Gourry suffer from it...and Gourry's bangs regularly switch sides...

8.  Zel continues to be stoically, sarcastically emo, and to pretend that he's evil and not nice.  I continue to be amused by that.  *pats him on the head*

9.  Was there any point to Sylphiel's character?  At all?  I mean, she wasn't really annoying and made herself useful, as all girls in this series do, but there seemed to be no purpose to the character.  She didn't even really serve well as a third wheel in the Lina/Gourry romance, because those two are too oblivious to even notice everyone assumes they're sleeping together.  Maybe she was just there to have a token sweet, shy girl.

11.  When people stand around talking about how the OTP is too stupid to realize they're the OTP, it is A Sign.  That they need to have it explained so they can just go make babies get it out of their system already, that is.  Like in SDK.  Zelgadis, I nominate you for explaining duties.  Granted, you'll end up as much of a red, stuttering mess if you tried as Amelia and Sylphiel would, but I'd enjoy it more.

12.  Yes, I scoured youtube for clips of Tiiba, The Giant Demon Chicken who menaced Sylphiel and then proceeded to kick everyone's butts until a magical stone tablet fell out of the wall and bonked Lina on the head.

Also, cool MV, but embedding is disabled:

anime, anime: slayers

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