Rec me fantasy(and maybe scifi)

Jan 27, 2008 20:24

Basically what the title says.  Subgenre doesn't matter(well, no erotic fantasy or scifi, please.)  Most know my wants and dislikes, but for a partial list:

(more fantasy centric here)

1. Strong characterization.  Male and female.  I generally need good representation of both in my fiction.

2.  Strong plot.  Is there isn't a solid, interesting plot, my eyes will glaze over.  It doesn't have to be the most original plot ever, as long as it's good.

3.  Strong female characters.  I'm a girl.  I like to read about interesting female characters.  Preferably smart ones, too.  I don't require warrior women...a damsel in distress, court lady or girl next door can be just as, if not more, interesting as a fighter, as long as the actual character is good.  I don't mind if they start out as doormats or ninnies, as long as they get better, and believably so.  I like character growth.

4.  Worldbuilding.  Please, please, please, competent worldbuilding.  I don't mean "society based on X historical society but altered so I can do Y in it," as people often mistake worldbuilding for, but a viable, functioning world in which the characters live, social rules that dictate what they do, a working legal system, and a sensible system for magic/technology/mythology and how it works in the world, based on something existing or not.  In other words, something more developed than a spaceship and aliens/medieval-lite society with wizards and a war.

5.  Romance.  I don't require romance, but if you know me, it helps.  I like my romance to MAKE SENSE though.  Not just the princess and the rogue because they're the princess and the rogue, but the characters that are best suited for each other.  I don't need it to be prominent and am usually happier if it's backup, but if it's there, I need it to make sense and work.  (And no, I don't require happy endings.)  Also, if there's a romantic triangle, I need it to be there for important plot and character reasons, not just to add to the angst, keep me guessing about who will end up with who, or keep the couple separated.

6.  Magic.  Unless it's heavily mythology based, I do best with either only a little magic, or a world built around the magic system(see: Martha Wells, Elizabeth Willey, Moira J. Moore, Jim Butcher's Codex Alera.)  The typical epic high fantasy with the standard races and wizards based on Tolkein's formula needs to have a really strong plot for me.  Ditto for historical fantasy.  I tend to do ok, though, with any levels of magic and races in urban fantasy(though if anyone can find me a few urban fantasy series that are good and not vampire centric, I'll love them.)

7.  Snark and badasses.  See romance.  As long as it's good snark and they can back up the badass.  A serious scholar who's a strong character tops a "look at me, I'm so badass because I have a sword and don't mind killing but that and a bad attitude is all I am" anytime.

8.  Politics.  I love politics in my fiction.  As long as it makes sense and doesn't overpower the plot.

9.  And if anyone knows of any really fun adventuring couple series along the lines of Simon R. Green's Hawk and Fisher series, tttteeeeeelllllllllll mmmmmmmeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

more scifi focused:

10.  No or minimal pretentiousness, I beg you.  Most scifi I pick up is of the "look, i'm so much better than other forms of fiction because I have science and technobabble and space ships" variety, and I just head for the nearest fantasy book(and if they sound it from the blurb, I buy too many fantasy.)

11.  I do best with near-future post-apocalyptic(or post-apocalyptic in general) scifi, as well as scifi noir or contemporary "things we don't know about" scifi.  Spaceship scifi doesn't work as well for me.

12.  Spaceship scifi does work for me when it:  A)  Gleefully embraces it's "such-and-such genre in space" origins, instead of acting like being scifi makes it better than the genre it's based on, B)  Is amazingly bizarre and out there.

Not all inclusive, but I think it'll do.

Note:  No Robert Jordan or Terry Goodkind, please.  I've tried Jordan several times and can't get into him, and have been warned off Goodkind by several reliable sources, and given several reasons.

scifi, fantasy, book recs, books

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