Spring Waltz, eps 17-20

Jan 03, 2008 00:30

Or, the end.

Hem.  As much as I enjoyed large chunks of this, I have to say that Korean melodramas still aren't my thing.  I'm not sure how much of my enjoyment was the right mood or the right kinks getting hit just right, and how much was it actually being good.  Though I admit that I did rather get a kick out of the extreme melodrama parts when they were zipping by with the aid of  my thumb's bonding with Mr. FF Button.

I did still like it, though, and as far as romantic melodrama goes, it was good.

*Ok, seriously, how many times did CGG and Batty!Mom need to be told "I love EY and am not going to marry anyone but her" before they got it?  I mean, really, at some point, you need to realize that no means no and stop the wedding plans.

*For that matter, why on earth would CGG want to marry JH at this point anyway?  I mean, their entire relationship was based on him letting her think he was someone else to maintain a facade...who wants to marry a guy who consistently says he doesn't want to marry you, won't marry you, and is in love with someone else, who he wants to marry?  I think they took it a little too far, there.  I mean, sure, we're being manipulated into hating her, but let her maintain SOME shred of dignity, why don't you?

*They just HAD to randomly kill someone with a car, didn't they?  At least it wasn't anyone worth caring about.  And despite some fainting and hospitalization, no one contracted random and fatal cancer.

*I do love EY's adopted brother.  He does not have the brains to realize his sister is upset, but once you point it out, he is ready to go kill.  I'm especially fond of when he was all "EY?  What's wrong with her?  She's back from the hospital."  (EY had randomly fainted in the middle of the conveniently empty street after CGG physically forced JH to kiss her...because dorama women can overpower strapping males) at which point it was slowly and with very small words explained to him that EY had red puffy eyes from crying herself to sleep at night and that it was JH's fault, at which point, he was ready to go kill if needed.

*More secondary male leads should regularly tell people to butt out and leave the OTP alone because they're what the OTP needs then(even if they're still secretly hoping she'll dump his best friend.)

*Scum!Dad apparently did NOT sell EY into slavery.  Apparently, he just abandoned her with the people they were staying with at the time.  It is unclear how she ended up with her adoptive family.  I think the adoptive father just took her home with him because the woman at that house was being mean to her or something.

*I possibly got a touch too caught up in a couple of romantic reuinions at the end(yes, they managed to fit 2 into the last 2 eps.)

*For the moment of extreme melodrama: before his Big Concert, JH cuts his hand on the shell EY gave him when they were children.  He insists on playing anyway, despite blood dripping on the keys, and then dedicates a song to EY, who's in the audience.  He then goes off stage and dramatically faints.  At the hospital, he is told he can never play professionally again, but doesn't seem bothered by it.

*At the end, the random street kid(who ended up being JH's half-brother) was playing hide and seek with a little girl inthe same field JH and EY played hide and seek in, with them watching.  Clearly, there will be a Spring Waltz 2 in 15 years.

*But seriously:  who on Earth takes a 10 year old on their honeymoon?

*I am deeply disappointed there were no babies(except the one they babysat, which doesn't count)

*But not as disappointed that no wonderful woman appeared at the end to sweep Phillip off his feet and cure him of his broken heart.

kdrama, dorama, kdrama: spring waltz

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