So this is why I used to have a "die Quesada DIE!" tag...

Dec 29, 2007 16:15

Really, I was wondering why I had one back when I was cleaning up my tags a while back(which I *hem* haven't finished doing yet...but shall...)  A pity I deleted it.  It is returning.

So, everyone familiar with Quesada and Spiderman knows that Quesada thinks Spidey should be a "normal guy," and therefore not have a steady girlfriend, much less a wife, not have or want kids, not have a good job, etc.

Because, you know, normal guys don't have any of those things.

He has now recalled that he is, effectively, Spiderman's god and can make whatever he wants happen Just Because.

There has now officially never been a Peter/Mary Jane relationship.  No romance.  No marriage.  Nothing.  Nope, not a divorce, IT NOW NEVER HAPPENED.  Because the character HAS NEVER EXISTED.

(As an aside, an evil part of me is ammused by this, as a huge chunk of the movies revolves around the Peter/MJ romance, and trying to explain this mess to a person coming in from the movies will just make them flee in terror.)

Because Quesada wants Peter Parker to remain in a stasis of what he was like when Quesada was 12 for all eternity.  Really, it's no different fromthe complete and utter butchery of every other character Quesada has decided to "fix" or "improve" or whatever he wants to call it.

You know, like NuPenance.

Seriously...he has Ult. Spidey to keep it from happening if he doesn't like it...what's the point of creating an entire alternate universe that effectively exists just to screw up the characters if all your going to do is screw them up even more in the existing one.

Two bits from 
octopedingenue's rant(linked below)

Because Marvel editor-in-chief Joe Quesada has a hate-on for AMS female lead Mary Jane Watson-Parker that boggles in its endurance and vehemence, Marvel has taken the somewhat questionable narrative step of erasing MJ's existence as a character for the past thirtysomething years and her marriage with Peter Parker/Spider-Man for the past twenty, so that Peter can again have a swingin' single life (as ALL socially awkward science nerds with secret identities to hide do, of course) with lots of free time to have sex and "download porn" [sic].

Incompetent misogynist assholes of Marvel, you just hit the reset button saved for the special occasions when your fictional world is spiraling so out of control that somebody's got to punch the timestream already, and you wasted it for what?

The thing is...I'm not even a Spiderman fan.  I like the character.  I always like when he shows up in my stuff(unlike most other big names, where I get annoyed when they show up just to have them there.)  I've just never been interested in following him.

But this?

Pisses me off beyond words.  And it's not even JUST's everything since Quesada came to be in charge, because it's all "well fans are stupid and wrong about everything, and only my opinion could ever be right, so I'll just butcher canon, characters and chronology blatantly and even admit it while I do it because it doesn't matter as long as I like it."

For a bit of linkblogging:

Newsarama's thread. (note how most of the votes fall)

octopedingenue's rant.

rabican's rant, with more links. discussion.

comics: die quesada die, comics

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