Comics: Events day

Nov 06, 2007 19:25

Wonder Woman #13:  This counts as "event" as it's the aftermath of the Event that almost chased me out of comics.  Complete garbage and, like everything done with the property since Infinite Crisis, completely butchers everything done with the property in the last 20 years (read: everything that made it good and interesting.)  Only the Gail Simone shaped light at the end of the tunnel gives me the strength to continue.  As I am in a good mood and want to say SOMETHING positive:  Pretty Terry Dodson cover.  He's come a long way.

Now for the good stuff.

Nova #7: YAY! RICHIE'S BACK!  I feel for Ko-Rel of Krypton Hala, though.  Getting introduced just to make your hero sink to his lowest then inspire him to get better after, you know, dying...I am deeply saddened to see Drax as a Phalanx select.  I sincerely hope he breaks free or is freed(where the heck is Cammi these days, anyway?)

Wraith #4: Repeat previous Wraith comments.  Much awesomeness.  I was actually mildly interested in the Supreme Intelligence for the first time ever.  Loved Wraith telling Ronan to get over himself.  And I truly admire Wraith's dedication to his angst and loner status.  It is very impressive.  I wish I liked Ra-Venn more, though.

Quasar #4:  Yyyyyyeeeeesssssss.  I figured it'd either be the "real" Quasar or Adam Warlock all along, and I got both.  I sincerely hope Adam has strong opinions about what his girlfriend has been up to lately.  The Supreme Intelligence showing up here was rather...random, but cool.  I've surprisingly come to like Phylla.  She started out a character I barely noticed, but while she hasn't become a favorite, she's one I want to read more of now.

I'm still very interested in and curious about all the medieval knight/civalry themes and images in this second round of Annihilation books...I hope there'll be a reason for it in the Annihilation: Conquest mini.

First Born #2: JACKIE! DANI! SARA! MAGDALENA! ANGELUS! WULF! JACKIE!  I fear I am not overly coherent.  Despite the presence of Gleason, this is Top Cow at it's best.  And you know what?  Even Gleason didn't bother me for once.  Why?  Because Jackie but him in his place so easily and awesomely and made it so blatantly clear that Gleason has no business being involved in this and is so far out of his league that it was almost a thing of glory.  Plus, Gleason got gored pretty good.  I'm feeling generous.  Sadly, I doubt it'll kill him.  Throw in REAL!Ian(not Marz's pod!Ian) and this would be Top Cow at it's best.  I shall now read my Witchblade comics.  But before I do: JACKIE TURNED INTO A FREAKING DRAGON AND IT WAS ALMOST THE BEST THING EVER!

Witchblade #110-111:  These two issues were largely explaining what Dani and Patience were up to before heading over to help Sara and Baby Pezzini.  They're both good issues and good character showcases, but really just that.  Though, from their interactions in First Born and Dani's friend's comment in #111, I wonder if Marz is headed in a Dani/Jackie direction...I actually kind of like that idea, even if I have problems seeing Jackie with anyone(and not just the whole "die the minute you father a child" bit...)  Though, i have to ask...what's happened to Luke ross and Stephen Sadowski's art?  Neither was "bad" or anything here, but it's a definate step down fromt heir art in the past.

My Top Cow comics had an ad for the Witchblade anime.  The heroine was grabbing her breast and the flesh was kinda oozing out between her fingers.  It caused me much sorrow and squicky and made me glad for the first time that the anime and manga decided to not use the Witchblade-proper characters.  I feel that alone tops the entirety of Michael Turner's run in the gratuity department.  Heck, the entire 111 issues of the series.

comics: magdalena, comics: wonder woman, comics: nova, comics: first born, comics: annihilation, comics: witchblade, comics, comics: darkness, comics: quasar

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