Oct 16, 2007 19:41

 I have not touched my monthly comics in over 2 months.  I blame Amazons Attack.  It is most wretched.  I am determined, however, to make a serious dent in the backlog today and tomorrow.  Starting, ironically, with Amazons Attack and Wonder Woman. BUT!  It's the END of Amazons Attack, so...

Amazons Attack #5-6/Wonder Woman #12:





You know what?  Forget it.  Click the Amazons Attack tag, and just amplify it by ten times.  Thank you, DC, for making a series about your main FEMALE hero all about how heroic your MALE heroes are, and about how not only is she not smart, but she also ineffectual.  And oh yes, her entire race are a group of psychotic manhating baby killers.  We are talking Civil War/House of M(anure) levels of hate here.  Only more, as I expect better of DC.  Now I remember why this chased meaway for a couple of months.

More Than Mortal #0:  A bit clunky as it tried to combine both Brigid's origin and a new story, but good.  I still wish, though, that Sharon Scott had chosen to go wityh Derdre, not Brigid.  While I like Brigid a lot, I like her better as Derdre's mentor, and I find Derdre's storyline far more interesting.  Variations of Brigid's story are pretty easy to come by, but not as much Derdre's.  Sadly, it probably also made Brigid an easier sell, hencethe series.  I do rather like Duncan, though.  Hopefully we'll get a more meaty story soon.

First Born #1:  Amazing art.  Witchblade.  Darkness. Angelus.  Even happy to see Cyber Force, even though I was never very big on them.  It has the dark urban noir feel that made me originally fall in love with Top Cow, which hasn't really been around since Marz started making Witchblade all about Gleason "fixing" Sara's life and being 'good" for her..  Even if Gleason was fouling up some pages(though...Sara, Jackie, Angelus and Cyber Force all looked awesome,  Gleason looked like a dope.)  That said:  Dear Ron Marz:  You thought the treatment of Ian and Jake to promote Gleason brought forth my hate?  Jackie Estacado is my favorite male comic book character EVER.  If you mess with him to try to make Gleason look good, I may have to purchase some plane tickets...

Hopefully, the fact that Sara and Jackie were never interested in each other, one sided or otherwise, will spare Jackie the suffering Jake and Ian have endured(Jjjjjaaaaaaaaakkkkkkeeee!!!!!!)

Birds of Prey #109-110: So, I started thinking Bedard's run was starting well...until he had Connor Hawke being fathered when he was 20~ years old, andthen had Dinah buying into baloney about Ollie and Marianne only ever was full blown...which she's always known...)  Don't get me wrong, even though he's an unworthy cheat, I've always liked Ollie.  And he does love Dinah, he's just not remotely good enough for her.  I can live with Dinah forgiving Ollie, but nottrying to convince herself that he's never cheated.  Because he has.  Tons.  Also?  If Scott, Barda or Orion(or any combination) are killed off, I may be forced to drop DC.  Except Fables books.  #110 was much better, aside from having no connection whatsoever with the previous issue(maybe there are othe DC books I'm supposed to be paying attention to for that?)

Cable & Deadpool #43-45: I am giddy.  And gleeful.  And joyful.  And all other "-ys" and "-fuls" with positive conntations.  Except for when it comes to the covers.  They are hideous.  That is all.

comics: more than mortal, comics: birds of prey, comics: wonder woman, comics: cable & deadpool, comics: amazons attack, comics: first born, comics: witchblade, comics, comics: darkness

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