You know what? I have decided that I am cursed, CURSED I say, when it comes to Jensen Ackles and shipping. Dark Angel? I started shipping Alec/Asha in the first ep of season 2 where he took her gun and went "nice..." *long glance* "...gun" and then left while she stood there with a "what just happened?" look on her face, then I was absolutely GIDDY when it looked like they might happen midseason and then she just kinda...vanished. I guess maybe the Max/Logan shippers hated her? (Well...I'm a Max/Logan shipper too, but it's not like Asha was ever really a threat or anything...) Smallville? Lana's boyfriend. Meaning not only could I NOT ship, but that it had to go badly for him no matter what. And now there's Dean/Jo in Supernatural, and I don't get to keep Jo because heaven forbid either perfectly straight, healthy, 20-something brother actually be interested in a gets in the way of the non-existant slash and cannot be allowed.
Seriously, how do you not love her? She's so cute and fun(outside and inside)
Pretending to be boyfriend and girlfriend:
I love Sammy just playing with his gun in the background while they fight.
And Sammy wisely trying to disappear into the woodwork when Ellen is on the phone asking where Jo is(I love the boys' fear of Ellen)
Jo keeps Dean on his feet:
Except for when she tells him to sit down
Great courtship rituals: monster hunting in small, dark places:
I guess it does have its benefits...
I love Dean's "I have no idea what to do with you but whatever I decide, your mother will kill me over" face.
Aww...she found her first spirit...such a happy day for an aspiring hunter.
Yes Jo, hold the flashlight very, very close to give Dean as much light as possible.
Winning a girl's heart, Winchester style: giving her a bigger knife.
You know what? I don't mind that Jo needed rescueing, because this is her first hunt. And, as much as my shippy heart would have loved a hug or something in the rescue, I'm glad he just asked if she was ok and then got down to business, because he was treating her like a fellow hunter like she wanted, and it means he respects her, even if he didn't want to have her there and in danger(which also put him in the line of fire with Ellen)
Aww...she looked so sad in the last scene...
Even though she tried to hide it.
Dean does not like a sad Jo.
I feel that Dean is just as sad as I am that we don't get to keep Jo:
I shall now go watch more.