I posted on
Darcia and his angst before, and this post is very similar to it(and reuses a lot of the pictures), but I figured that, as it's pertinent to discussions I've been having with a few people lately it bore repeating.
This is Darcia:
This is Darcia's wife, Hamana:
Darcia and Hamana were young, cute and inlove. See?
Then one day, Hamana got sick:
This was a wasting sickness and there was no cure, so Darcia put Hamana on life support and went on a one man quest to open paradise because he believed that was the only way to save her. As it is difficult to remain a cheerful, open, friendly person when the whole world is against you finding a cure for your comatose wife, he became a hard, bitter, angsty man and started spending all his time looking like this:
Darcia spent much of his time hunting our protagonists and kidnapping flower maidens and lovely scientists. As he did all this in the name of love, it's difficult to hold that against him. Sadly, there were those who thought he needed to be saved from himself, and they pulled the plug on Hamana, leaving Darcia a very nasty surprise to come home to:
Darcia grieves oddly. His idea of grief is to pick up his dead wife's body and then sadly swing it around like they were dancing:
He then moves on to the next stage of grieving: Going completely psychotic:
After this, he kinda tries to bash his brains out against the wall. It is truly cringe worthy, but I have no pics of it. But here's the aftermath:
Shortly, everyone and their tank attacks his keep. As this interrupts his grieving process, he informs them that he will go angst in solitude for a while, but will be sure to return in time for the Big Fight:
Sadly, I have no caps for after this in the series, but at said Big Fight, Darcia learn that Jagara, Hamana's sister murdered Hamana as proof of her love for Darcia (well...and because she thought he was forcing her sister to suffer and wanted to spare her that, but mostly she just wanted Darcia.) Darcia informs her that he is a one woman man and they have a giant fight. Sadly, Jagara's knife is poisoned and the poison drives Darcia completely bonkers and he tries to destroy the world. Or at least, reboot it.
What does it say about me that the recent rewatch made me realize that Darcia is one of my favorite anime characters, and possibly my favorite?