more omnibus-y posting

Aug 10, 2007 16:16

1.  My Sword Stained With Royal Blood DVDs have arrived...the scans of the cover made it look really dark and murky, but the actual cover has nice colors and is really shiny, making it look kinda metallic and the red letters really, really bright. *yes, I like it*  There's also little character bars on the inside flap of the box and Eva is between Bobby and the Crimson Sabreguy(who it seems is a popular enough character to warrant versions of the story from his POV or something.  If nothing else, he has better fashion sense than Bobby...or wardrobe likes him better.  One or the other.)

2.  I have a headache.  Headache is aided by tylenol but is NOT aided by  people carrying on 5 conversations 5 feet away, in addition to regular work noise...but it's dying off now.

3.  I finished the Dresden Files set.  Since I wrote about most of the eps while they were airing, I likely won't do a proper writeup(unless you want to read about Paul Blackthorne's angsty puppy-dog eyes and Harry's creative ways of stealing kisses.)  There were 2 things about it though, that made me wonder a bit...

3a.  Usually in a series with a male lead where the romance or relationship between him and his love interest isn't a focus, it comes across as she's obviously head over heels but he isn't.  In Dresden Files, however, bith books and TV series, while it's obvious that Harry is crazy about Murphy, whether he realizes it or not, but it's not as clear whether or not Murphy has any interest in Harry beyond friendship.  I can't help but wonder if that's why, slashers aside, pretty much everyone in the fandom-whichever version they refer to-seems to like Harry/Murphy.  For that matter, the few people who don't like Murphy *cannot fathom* seem to like them.

3b.  Someone actually brough up something similar to this recently, but it's something that I've been thinking of lately, and I'll just use primarily Dresden examples.  In the books, neither Morgan nor Carmichael is remotely likable, yet in the TV series, Morgan and Kirmani(who's very similar to Carmichael) are.  Now, with Morgan, part of it is that, instead of almost being rabidly hateful of Harry, Morgan is just distrustful and caution of Harry, and he gives his reasons.  I wonder much of their being likable comes from the writing, and how much comes from the actors' natural likability coming through?  If it were a different actor, would the character still be someone you could like?  (Incidentally, the character that got me pondering this was Lassiter in Psych.)

4.  I loathe the laugh track.  Seriously.  I think it's the main reason I've never liked sitcoms.  I find it obnoxious, it tells you things are funny when they aren't, and when something IS funny, it blows it so out of proportion that it doesn't seem funny anymore.  Sadly, we have been watching  90s comedies at work the last few weeks.  Fresh Prince of Belair I actually kinda like.  Most of the rest I'm neutral about but don't mind.  However, the current show, Rosanne, I cannot stand AT ALL.  I don't find it funny and I don't find the characters likable.  Sadly, all are best served in small doses, but we're watching hours at a time...

5.  Since watching Bourne Ultimatum, I have been pondering the fact that Jason Bourne is essentially the epitome of angst, romantic or otherwise.  Then last night, 3 people(myself,
calixa, and 
lesbiassparrow) had far too free time on our hands and had far too much fun with his angst.  Andthe factthat he was obviously a wxia hero in his past life.  There the rooftop jumping and leaping off tall buildings and landing in rivers and being just fine, etc(and the amnesia, of course) but mostly, the necrokiss alone qualifies him.

6.  Due to various stops and starts while typing this up, people have moved on, Tylenol has completely kicked in and it has quieted and the headache is MUCH better.

books: dresden files, cdrama: sword stained with royal blood, movies: bourne

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