Devil Beside You eps 9-14

Jun 27, 2007 13:50

Ok, seriously, people complain about Mike He's hair in this?  Did nobody SEE the guy playing Ah Rang? That hair stands out three inches!  At least Ah Meng's hair is mostly fixed when you confiscate his hair spray can.  Ah Rang has too much in different places for it to be so easily fixed.

As  dangermousie pointed out, Devil Beside You has this certain shojo crackiness that's very fun, yet it also goes a bit too far for me at time, especially with Rainie Yang's "cute" and over the top expressions and reactions and Mike He's being a badbadbad boy (when you try to convince me it's cute or cool, I'm probably just going to get fed up with it...just assume I have a brain and can reason and notice that she's cute and the scenes are cute.  This is actually part of why most twdramas-and Goong-don't completely click for me...too busy telling me something about the character or show and not showing it to me.  ISWAK just said Xiang Qin was dumb but determined and Zhi Shu brilliant but uninterested and went with it)

I also get kinda irritated with Qi Yue getting bent out of shape over him sometimes.  I mean, I get it when he does something dangerous or attacks someone or won't talk to her or tell her what's wrong, especially when it affects her, but then there's when she gets mad at him for not wanting to bother with unimportant things he doesn't care about-such as reading the love letters of random girls he doesn't even know or is honest and states his opinion instead of saying the nice thing , and I want to shake her.  I mean, if a girl is declaring her love for a guy(and I'm to believe she knows what she's talking about) I expect her to have a decent understanding of his personality.

Still, while I'm not overly involved with them, I do like them well enough and I can squee over a few of their scenes (though I may scream if I see that glove again.)

I continue to love Qing Zi and Yuan Yi, though.  I loved the whole thing about the basketball competition, because they were both right and they were both wrong.  Yuan Yi just assumed that, because she knew basketball was important to him, she'd realize that he wasn't neglecting her and that part of why he was focusing so hard on the competition was because he wanted her to be proud of him, but he never stopped to explain himself to her, he just assumed she'd know.  Qing Zi just assumed that basketball was more important to him than she was because he was spending so much time on it, and she assumed that because her last relationship didn't work out and she made the first move in both cases (and from what her scum!ex-best friend said, I take it that was just the latest in a string of such relationships) that Yuan Yi would eventually dump her, too, so she decided to take the initiative, but, like Yuan Yi, she never took the time to talk to him about it.  It amazes me that they're both so mature about their relationship and yet both so almost childish about it.  And after the game...sigh...stupid friends...if you'd waited 10 more seconds, you would have had so much more to tease them about...

And I loved the New Year's Eve episode, where, after spending all day determined to get his first kiss with Qing Zi, the VERY serious and determined Yuan Yi gets all excited about the hide-and-seek game where the last person to be found gets to request a kiss from the person they like, and he ends up being the seeker.  And then when he finds them he looms and sneaks and stares like a stalker because being the seeker means he can't be the winner(I especially liked when he interrupted Ah Meng and Qi Yue when they were trying to cheat and kiss while hiding...if his kissing aspirations are going to be interrupted, so are Ah Meng's) but then he decides to tae matters into his own hands in a rather Ah Meng-like way.

I also continue to love their parents-they're both very silly (Ah Meng's dad embarrassing both him and Ah Rang at the basketball game, anyone?) yet they're good, responsible parents, and unlike other silly dorama parents, I don't have to stare at them and wonder how their kids managed to be sane, reasonable (mostly) adults.  And I love how, just like Zhi Shu and his mom in ISWAK, no matter how crazy he drives him, ah Meng clearly adores You Hui.  I also love that he's always perfectly behaved for Qi Yue's mom (I'm not sure he could deny her anything.)  I have to wonder, though, is Ah Rang really You Hui's son?  On the one hand, it's obvious both he and the grandmother adore Ah Rang (and that the reverse is also true) but at the same time, they very definitely said that Ah Meng was You Hui's only son, and when he and his former assistant were talking about Ah Rang, the was like he was reminding You Hui that Ah Rang is his son.

Anyway, should finish it tomorrow, which, unless the parent's internet came back up, translates as "today, but it was typed up yesterday so go with it."

twdrama: devil beside you, twdrama, dorama

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