Firefly: grrrrrr

Jun 23, 2007 15:52

Our DVD player at work doesn't have any arrows or anything, so without a remote or "play all" we can only watch subsequent episodes if the indicator automatically goes to the nect ep.  Naturally, we don't have the remote today and Firefly discs don't to that, so all we get to watch is the Serenity 2 parter.


OTOH, the flist is likely spared Firefly spam.  *makes note to do a proper rewatch soon*

You know, it's really a VERY good thing that Kaylee fell for a guy that most of her "family" largely approves of.  3 of them love their guns(one likes his guns more than he likes people) and the other 2 could make your life extremely difficult...or just send their gunloving SOs after you.  Actually, one wonders how on earth even a guy as lucky as Simon managed to survive that ultimatum...

And, you know, after their conversatioon at the end, and later in Ariel, if there really is enough money out there for Jayne to turn on Mal.  Even though it doesn't always look it, he really is very loyal to Mal, he just defines being loyal to Mal as being loyal to Mal specifically, while Mal defines loyalty to him as being loyalty to him and his people(which Jayne has theoretically been set straight about)

And now, back to Zelda.  Soon level one dragon guy, son I shall learn how to kill you and you will go all flashy and die.

tv: firefly

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