
May 25, 2007 23:19

I actually *gasp* finished all the comics i had waiting, I think for the first time this year.

The list of all the stuff is here.

Already posted plenty on the Wonder Woman comics, so for the sake of my sanity, we'll skip that.

52-I kinda thought all along that even though it was meant to be read in weekly installments, I wouldn't really fall for it unless I read it in huge chunks, and I was right.  Maybe it was the Black Adam and Ralph Dibny focus, but I finally fell as in love with the series here as everyone else seems to have been all along.  And then, of course, the issues I had stopped one issue from the end...  Incidentally, I forgot to add Countdown to my subscription list, so I guess it I wILL be waiting for trades on.

Birds of Prey-Misfit?  Annoys the stuffing out of me.  But Barda?  One of my favorite DC females, and I love the Six.  Oracle seriously needs to stick it to Spysmasher, though, in the "so bad your great-great-great-great-grandchildren won't understand why their jaw hurts" way.

Fables/Jack of Fables-HOMELANDS RAIDING! YES!  Homelands raids are the things awesome is made of.  And am I delusional, or did Jack actually care a little bit about someone(besides himself-which doesn't count-and Rose, who he could never put first anyway and thus he was unworthy)

Hunter/Killer-"Quick! We have to end it!"  "But how?"  "Think of something!"  And yet, I'll by a sequel series.  Because of Wolf.  Because I am shallow.  Because Top Cow may have sucky storytelling half the time, but they churn out the hottest guys in comics.  Except Gleason.  Who sucks.

Loners-hrm.  Some good, but I'm not sure yet.  REALLY not big on how Mickey(one of my favorite Marvel characters) is being written...more like a tired 30-something businesswoman than an idealistic journalism student.

Manhunter-*flailflailflail*  NNNNnnnnoooooo!!! Don't go away!  Oh, coming back?  *phew*  That's good, because now that Witchblade has essentially been sacrificed at the altar of Gleason *sobs* about the only other book(that I'll touch) about a strong, capable heroine is Birds of Prey(I won't count Wonder Woman until Diana resembles Diana again...please Gail, make the pain go away...)

Nova-*eyes the beautiful shiny*  Richie, please kick Tbolt and Stark butt.  And leave permanent boot marks.  I beg you., Chase is Whedon's new Xander, Nico his Buffy and Karolina his Willow...or his Fred, not sure which.  On the plus side, Molly is far less annoying than usual(though still annoying) but on the downside, he seems to have it in for Xavin, of which I do not approve.  *loves Xavin*

Thunderbolts-It snuck up on me and made me like it.  In the "I hate all your guts and want you all to diediedie...except Melissa, Radioactive Man and Swordsman" way...if that makes sense...I don't want to like it, and so much about it is just wrong, and yet I can't help myself.  I doubt I'll ever be able to believe that ANY government agency would put Norman Osborn in charge of a bunch of superpowered criminals, though.

Witchblade-Puke.  Seriously.  Not WHAT happened(frankly, I'm surprised Marz held off for so long)  but the HOW...I mean...yeah, I've joked(and pretty much meant it) about the book being sacrificed for Gleason a lot, but this was literally like Sara was being  offered up like some sort of sacrificial lamb did Marz manage to turn this from the best run the title has had into...well...this...seriously...

Wolverine: Origins-Hmm...maybe it's a good thing I forgot to cancel my subscription after pack of lies solicits Savior, because I actually *hem* like Daken.  Yeah, the one fans should hate on principle.  Maybe because he's a bastard in all but the literal sense of the word and doesn't care?  Or because he hates Logan's guts?  I dunno, but I like him.  Incidentally, at some point between finding out his kid who hates his guts was wandering around the SHIELD helicarrier and escaping, shouldn't Logan have gone "hmm...they agreed to save Jubilee based on my good behavior...maybe I should think about that before just taking off?"  Stupid "screw continuity" Marvel...

comics: wolverine: origins, comics: thunderbolts, comics: loners, comics: birds of prey, comics: jack of fables, comics: fables, comics: runaways, comics: nova, comics: witchblade, comics

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