randomness: staying at parents, bits on cdramas(mostly doramas)

May 13, 2007 01:44

Parents' keyboard=EVIL.  I have to literally pound on the keys to get anything out of them(yet, I'm still updating)

Does anyone find it weird to visit their parents and sleep in a different bed in what used to be their room?  Maybe it's because the bed there(mine went to the apt. with me) used to be my grandparent's guest bed(and used to be covered in inhuman amounts of lace)  Granted, I've been told I can sleep in my parents' bed, but...it's my parents' bed.

Also, why is it that I can spend 22 years out in the country and insect night sounds don't even register, but thjen I live in town for a year and they're the loudest things ever?(OTOH, cars at any time of night no longer bother me)

Another thing of import:  some of my manga has FINALLY shown up at Waldenbooks(the ones people on my flist would care about are Vampire Knight, Death Note and possibly Skip-Beat)

Also, after 
dangermousie's post earlier, I saw the HK movie Legend of Speed at Hastings for $7 and got it on a whim...they also had the first(of 4) volumes of the cdrama Laughing in the Wind.  Sounds promising, we'll see.  i've also decided that Nicholas Tse fighting blindfolded in the rain after angsting at a grave is likely one of the top 5 hottest things in a dorama *says possibly because there vould be hotter things she's hasn't seen yet*  Not that I've all but memorized the opening credits or anything(angsty guy w/ swords winning against what should be absolutely impossible odds=major kink)  I don't like the grave part though, mostly because I rather like the 2 people who are the prime options for being in the grave...

My Handsome Siblings DVDs also have a trailer for Return of the Conder Hero and...uhm...yeah, glad it was in the order I placed this week.

Also, since Seven Swordsmen and Chinese Paladin have both come up in several places lately(I guess all my dorama loving friends view me as their main resource...not that I mind, though I really have seen comparatively fewer than people seem to think) I've been poking around youtube for vids.  Now, Seven Swordsmen...well, the only thing I love with fewer vids there is Musashi(which has none, which depresses me to no end) even Trick has(slightly) more.  Chinese Paladin, however, has TONS.  I watched one video that was almost 6 minutes long and completely avoided angst until the last minute, yet I was blubbering 10 seconds into it when I recognized the scene it was, even though there were no subs.  The scene is the 6 leads making a friendship promise that no matter what, they'll all return to that spot in 10 years, even if their lives take them on wildly different paths.  The rest, up until the last minute, is bits of their friendship and almost completely angstless, and then the last minute is the events that kept them from keeping the promise(with one exception, it's non-explicit enough that you won't be spoiled as to their various fates...there'll likely be a Chinese Paladin vid spam soon) and it made me realize that, while Seven Swordsmen is my favorite cdrama, I'm actually more emotionally invested in the characters in Chinese Paladin(and really, my preference for one over the over is marginal...make Xiao Yao less bratty the first half and Ling'er less whiny and self-centered in the middle chunk, and they'd likely be reversed)  The same is true of my two favorite doramas, Musashi and Damo, where I'm more invested in Chae-Ohk, Hwangbo Yoon and Jang Sung-Baek than I am in Takezo, Otsu and Kojiro.  In both cases, I think the difference is that I'm more invested in the story as a whole in Musashi and Seven Swordsmen than in Damo and Chinese Paladin(though all investment for Damo outweighs Seven Swordsmen) and in the end, the overall investment(plot, setting-in these cases, historical context-etc.) outweighs the character investment for me.

Ok I THINK I started out with more to say on the matter when I sat down to do this, but I left midway through to do something and it's after 3 am and I'm too tired to be bothered to try to remember.  Maybe tomorrow, maybe it's gone forever.  NIGHT!

cdrama: seven swordsmen, kdrama: damo, cdrama: handsome siblings, dorama, cdrama, jdrama: musashi, wuxia, cdrama: chinese paladin

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