prozacpark tagged me for this the other day, though I've seen it before.
Six Ships I Love
1. Laura Holt/Remington Steele (Remington Steele)
2. Shuri/Sarasa (Basara)
3. Chae-Ohk/Hwangbo Yoon (Damo)
4. Sara/Ian (Witchblade)
5. Kyo/Yuya (Samurai Deeper Kyo)
6. Will/Elizabeth (Pirates of the Caribbean)
SIX???? I CAN ONLY HAVE SIX??? Shouldn't I at least be allowed 10? This meme is MEAN by only allowing you such a small number...No real order...just which popped to mind first...the first three will pretty much ALWAYS immediately pop to mind, though.
Three Ships I Liked, But Don't Anymore
7. Nightwing/Oracle (DC Comics)
8. Wes/Fred (Angel)
9. Paige/Jono (Generation X)
This was actually harder...I rarely STOP liking's more like "something happened to make the shipping irrelevant anyway" than "liked, but don't anymore"
Three Ships I Don't Like
10. Scott/Emma (X-Men)
11. Jack/Elizabeth (Pirates of the Caribbean)
12. Sara/Gleason (Witchblade)
Now that? Appalling easy.
Two Ships I Am Curious About, But Don't Actually Ship
13. Spike/Ilyria (Angel)
14. Jayne/River (Firefly/Serenity)
*looks at the questions* HEY! Can I go back and changes the order a bit? No? Darn.
I tried as hard as I could to avoid spoilers. I think anything that's a spoiler is a year to several years old for US comics.
1.) Why do you dislike #11 so much? (Jack/Elizabeth)
IAside from the fact that Will/Elizabeth is so very clearly the OTP and Jack and Elizabeth would kill each other inside a month? Elizabeth is, in essence, a female, better bred and educated version of Jack who's convinced she has a stronger moral center. The only thing about Jack that really appeals to her is the freedom and thrill of the lifestyle. The man himself barely registers as "random person" on her priorities radar unless it's pertinent to her goals(which almost always involve Will's safety) As far as Jack goes...well, I really don't see him being able to go for more than a fling with her, really. He loves his rum too much. (also? The fact that they didn't do: "What did I just blow up?" "The rum." In POTC2 is absolutely CRIMINAL!!!)
2.) Who is someone you know that ships #13 (Spike/Illyria)?
I've seen mentions of it but never really met anyone, actually. Show seemed to kinda be heading that way, though.
3.) What would be your ideal scenario for couple #3 (Chae-Ohk/Hwangbo Yoon)?
They lived in an alternate reality where her father isn't executed as a traitor and she's cast into the servant cast, so that when they meet, he and her brother, Jang Sung Baek aren't mortal enemies and it's ok for Chae-Ohk and Hwangbo-Yoon to be in love and get married and they have a happy life and make overly serious babies while Hwango Yoon and Jang Sung Baek try to reform the government WITHOUT resorting rebellions that make them mortal enemies.
4.) Which is your favorite episode for #5? Try to pick just one. (Kyo/Yuya)
The insanely fluffy cuteness of Chapter 301, though I can't say why cuz it'll spoil a few people trying to stay spoiler free.
5.) How long have you been following couple #6? (Will/Elizabeth)
Since about a week after Curse of the Black Pearl came out in theaters.
6.) What's the story with #8? What made you stop liking them/caring? (Wes/Fred)
They dumped it to do Gunn/Fred out of the blue because they knew we expected Wes/Fred, then they had Wes pining over her for 2 1/2 seasons. Blatant manipulation like that pretty much kills my inclination to ship(which is a pity, because if they HADN'T done it like that, I could have easily been crazy about Wes/Fred OR Gunn/Fred)
7.) Which ship do you prefer - #2 or #4? (Shuri/Sarasa or Sara/Ian)
Wow...uhm...yeah, can I go back and change the order now? Pretty please? Shuri/Sarasa hit all my "Epic angsty love" kinks while Sara/Ian hits all my "dark, obsessive disfunctional attachment" kinks. On the one hand, mortal enemies who fall in love and make a future with the other their entire purpose in life only to hjave everything shattered vs mortal enemies with psychotic chemistry and a destined connection that neither wants(and absurdly hot scenes, including shared dreams. And stalking.)...evil question. In the end, though, I have to go with Shuri/Sarasa simply because, after issue 25, they've never had anyone completely know what to do with them, and both Ron Mark and Paul Jenkins have seriously screwed Ian up(though Jenkins was at least trying...Marz just wanted him out of the way to make room for Gleason)
8.) You have the power to make one ship non-existent. Choose from #10 or #12. (Scott/Emma or Sara/Gleason)
Scott/Emma annoys me. Sara/Gleason I despise with the burning passion of a hundred thousands suns, and it has NOTHING to do with Sara/Ian, because as much as I can psychotically ship them at time, I never really expect them to work, I just WANT them to work. Gleason is nothing more than a Gary Stu who's a boring, "perfect" version of Jake with none of the traits that make Jake appealing. Plus, there have been storylines in the past about Sara trying to have a normal relationship and it doesn't work(even without Ian's OTP sense kicking in and having him cause trouble) Sara's not made for a "normal" doesn't suit her, even before she got the witchblade, and "look, an normal, healthy relatoinship for Sara" is supposed to be a large part of the appeal of Sara/Gleason. And Sara's character is basically being sacrificed for him. i'll stop now, but there's a whole rant about Gleason in my Witchblade tag.
9.) What interests you about #14? (Jayne/River)
Not quite my thing, but I can see potential, and it'd be amusing. Plus, he's one of her favorite entertainments and she's one of the 3 things he's scared of(the other 2 being Reavers and pissing Mal off TOO much.)
10.) When did you stop liking #7? (Nightwing/Oracle)
When she underwent character assassination so Devin Grayson could convince us his rapist was better suited for him, then he went off the deep end for "character growth." Since there was no escape for Dick at the time, I just wanted Babs far, far away from it all.
11.) Did your waning interest in #9 kill your interest in the show? (Paige/Jono)
INope. They just angsted themselves into irrelevancy for me and, I think, outgrew that stage. Besides, around the time they were dropped and she moved on was about when the idea of any member of Generation X hooking up with another started feeling squicky to me...too much of a family vibe, though Ev/Monet didn't bother me, and now that she's older, I could go for Jono/Jubilee(which I know has a big following) if the writers decided to do that.
12.) What's a song that reminds you of #1? (Laura Holt/Remington Steele)
"At Last" comes to mind, and sometimes "I Need a Hero" and "I Will Survive" during the most slapstick/Steele-not behaving parts, but mostly, given the nature of the show, instrumental classics.
13.) Which of these ships do you love the most?
Laura Holt/Remington Steele. My ultimate ship. Beautiful, intelligent lady detective and the conman who worms his way into her con for a free ride, and devotes his entire self to her-obsessively so at times? Hard to top it for me. And NOTHING has made me go shippy-psychotic like the last scene in season 3 and the opening story of season 4.
14.) Which do you dislike the most?
15.) If you could have any of these two pairings double date, who would it be? (even better if they're from different shows)
I'm torn between Shuri/Sarasa and Kyo/Yuya and Chae-Ohk/Hwangbo Yoon and Will/Elizabeth. Option A would be hilarious...Kyo and Shuri would try to kill each other in 5 minutes while Yuya and Sarasa bonded, then got in between them so they COULDN'T kill each other(as long as each got in front iof the right guy...otherwise, the girls would be screwed and it'd just be a massive bloodbath) Option B would involve so many intense stares and tiny bits of obsessive devotion that the chemistry and shippiness would kill you. Actually, we'll go with option A because that much seriousness in 1 room could be lethal.
16.) Have #2 kissed yet? Elaborate if you'd like. (Shuri/Sarasa)
Many times, yes. Thank you. They should do it more, though.
17.) Did #4 have a happy ending? If the show hasn't ended yet, do you think a happy ending is likely? (Sara/Ian).
As Marz just got through butchering Ian's character and is literally shoving Sara/Gleason downm our live in hopes that Marz will see the light and get rid of Gleason. He doesn't even have to fix Ian(he obviously doesn't like or even remotely understandhim, so I don't think I want him touching him) I just want Gleason GONE.
18.) What would make you start shipping #14? (Jayne/River)
More episodes of the show set several years down the road. If it was handled well in canon, I could probably go for it.
19.) If only one could happen, which would you prefer - #2 or #6? (Shuri/Sarasa or Will Elizabeth)
Shuri/Sarasa. Sorry Will/Elizabeth, you'd probably make the top 15, almost definately the top 20 of my ships, but you really only made it this high because I finally saw the POTC3 trailer last night and am in shippy glee over you. But you don't have near the obsessive devotion of Shuri/Sarasa.
20.) You have the power to decide the fate of #10. What happens to them? (Scott/Emma)
Emma realizes that any man she has to chase and possibly mentally coerce isn't worth her time and she dumps him. Don't care if he gets back with Jean or not, really.
I hereby tag everyone on my flist who's remotely prone to shipping and hasn't done this yet, and think those who have should link me to their posts in case I missed it.
ETA: The OTP in the icon is Sara/Ian. Strong, capable heroine who kicks serious butt. but whose personal life is a shambles + hot, angsty assassin obsessed with her and their shared destiny=complete win.