So, yesterday I posted a short scene of shippyness. Today it's a volume's worth(well, pieces of it) of near-love confessions, incredibly evil things that should not happen to halves of OTPs and much angst(including Kyo's own special kind of angst) There's also a fair bit of body-snatching. For anyone following these posts, it's one of the things I went nuts over in the screaming post the other day. Incidentally, the shippy scene yesterday took place several volumes AFTER this.
For context: They've found Kyo's body but one of the big bad's, Nobunaga, is there, and is currently inhabiting the body of Nozomu, Yuya's brother who died 4 years earlier.
Yuya's having some problems dealing with that(understandably) though I'm not sure throwing yourself at the psycho trying to kill your man just because he stole your brother's body is the best way to go about things. Just saying...(Kyo agrees with me)
Cept it seems to have worked(No Kyo, she is NOT talking about Kyoshiro, she's talking about you, idiot)
Here comes that confession thing...
I love Kyo's face "huh? wha-? me? not the body snatcher?"
Awww...toddler Yuya(hmm...I have pics of Kyo age 6 and more of lil Yuya...I should post them just for the cuteness factor) But yeah, loving and missing her brother or not, she should really be more suspicious of the sudden change.
See? Told you...
Kyo, your OTP-Trouble instincts kiccked in a little too late there.
Any time the blood is the only thing saving you from shrinkwrap, it's bad. What kills me, though, is that he thought he was fast enough(because usually, he is)
He kinda goes into shock for a bit, here's the tail end. And, either the scanslator made a name boo-boo, or somebody is still having issues digesting exactly who that near love-confession was directed to.
And there goes the shock. And the eardrums of every dog in a 5 mile radius.
My little woobie Sasuke-kun can't believe Kyo can yell like that, either.
Why's Kyo all prostrate? Here's a hint...(note: unlike the anime, Kyo and Kyoshiro wwere always 2 separate people in the manga, and Kyoshiro sealed Kyo's soul in his own body 4 years ago and sealed Kyo's body away for future usage in diabolical plans. Kyo was dormant for most of the 4 years, but took over near the beginning of the series and has been looking for his body ever since)
Why yes, Kyo was riled up enough by that to get back in his own(much more powerful) body. And he is...urm...displeased.
Now, see, if I were Nobunaga, I'd be peeing in my Kimono right about now and headed for another time zone. Not doing what he's doing in pages I'm not including and basically going "hey, I shoulda hacked the girl open a long time ago, then I really coulda had fun"
Anyway, he's through talking and ready to start slicing and dicing.
See? Another time zone. Speed of light.
Yuya, you're bleeding to death. No talking until that's addressed(and Kyo's offed the wretch)
You know he loves her cuz he held off on the beheading.
He's not an idiot. Ok, maybe...but no calling him an idiot for being a good OTP.
Anyway, he's dealt with, then Kyoshiro decides to play hero. Naturally, instead of taking his own body, he steals the more powerful body that HASN'T been through hell lately. You know, the one that doesn't belong to him.
Oh really? Worried about her, are you? Then why the blippity-blip-blip weren't you helping and stopping that from happening instead of body-napoping? HUH???
Anyway, he takes out Akari and my Sasuke-kun and grabs Yuya, spouting off about how Kyo isn't worthy of protecting her and he never should have entrusted her safety to him, etc. Pretentious prick. Here's a bit of that...
Uhm...Kyo...I realize this is possibly the worse day of your life at this point(we're at the tail end of a lot of bad stuff here) but really, you should NOT be trying to punch the guy holding the half-dead girl...just an idea...also, possessive much?
And so ends the volume...short version is that Kyo's in a body that's pretty much half-gone given everything he's put it through and the bodynapper and Yuya-napper is in the nice fresh body that's a lot stronger than the other anyway. It also involves my Sasuke-kun begging him not to take his neechan, and Sasuke is like Al in Fullmetal Alchemist and Tohru in Fruits Basket where, he may not by my favorite in the series, but if you hurt him you are on my badbadbaddiediedie list forever. (note: Yuya isn't actually his sister...he just latched onto her as such almost instantly what with her pretty much being the first and only remotely normal female in his life...which actually explains most of the guys in this book and Yuya)