Feb 20, 2007 17:07
Squeaker must learn that cuteness does not equal my immortality. Using my legs as a tree to climb is not acceptable while I'm wearing jeans, much less when I'm wearing my far less protective nightgown. Going after my ramen during the 3 minute wait after adding hot water? ALSO not acceptable.
Also, yesterday while I was cleaning their litter box, Patches was waiting for me to put it back with a "what TOOK you so long?" face and then stared at me until I left the room so she could do her business(I kid you not...and if you peek, she stops and glares at you until you leave) Today, Squeaker was staring at me while I was cleaning it, and was almost in the thing before I finished putting it back down. (What are those two doing? Holding it in until I clean out the litter box?)
Also, they still don't like my sleeping schedule...too bad for them that their bops on my sleepy head don't have a lot of affect.
Pet Peeves:
So, today and on Sunday, I encountered two of my pet peeves(oddly, the 2 are direct opposites of each other, but anyway...)
On Sunday, I went to Waldenbooks to see if they had Mushishi because James gave it a pass(he used Blade of the Immortal comparisons...just the art, but he knows my weaknesses) Would have ordered it, BUT while I was there, there was a woman and her daughter trying to order a book. The daughter was about 15-16, and when the cashier said it wasn't available, but had been rereleased in a 2-in-1 omnibus with the sequel, and that she could order it. The girl asked her mother if it was ok, and then said she was going to but the book she was holding(so she could find the title) back where she got it. No whining, no attitude, perfectly polite and well behaved and, hey RESPONSIBLE with no prompting. So, with her daughter being a good customer, she says, lodly, with her daughter three feet away "she's such a pain in the butt."
HUH? First of all, parents should never badmouth their children in public, especially in their presence, it's only going to encourage them to misbehave. Second of all, WHY? Her daughter was behaving, was being polite, and was being conscientious and putting the book back where she got it. I mean, if your kid is being good, praise them, don't badmouth them.
The other was today at the post office, picking up some of my anime. Two little boys about three and four were running around, clearly having gotten away from their mother and almost knocked me down and then later in line, they were horseplaying and one of them(for lack of a better word) fell on me. Now, kids get away from their parents, and tey get bored and horseplay. 99% of the time, the people who have to dodge the kids don't mind and understand and don't get annoyed with the parents, etc. However, most of that 99% of the time, the parent will actually, you know, APOLOGIZE to the person their kid bumped into, or who had to didge their kid, especially after the second time. As opposed to deliberately looking away the first time and then loudly talking to their companion the second time.
Unfortunately, those 2 varieties seem to be more and more common...acting like their kid was bad just because it's a kid, and not attempting to control or take responsibility for their kids. It's even worse whenthe parents like that seem to look down onthe more responsible parents.
The first batch of the anime I ordered has arrived: Full Metal Alchemist, Full Metal Panic: Fumoffu, Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex Season 1, Saikano, and Samurai Champloo. Samurai 7 was SUPPOSED to be in the batch, but wasn't. Haven't heard back from the seller as to why.
Still coming are: E's Otherwise, Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex Season 2, Revolutionary Girl Utena, Those Who Hunt Elves, Hellsing, Tsukihime: Lunar Legend, and Someday's Dreamers. And, one way or another, Samurai 7. In theory, I should be set for anime for a lllloooooooonnnnngggggg time, but knowing me, it won't last long, given the anime mood I've been in lately.
V for Vendetta:
And finally, I got to sit down and watch V for Vendetta(many moons after most of the rest of the f-list) I figure pretty much everyone here knows about that one and the basic plot(1984-ish near future in England where a young woman gets caught up in the plot of a "terrorist" with a Guy Fawkes fetish, to give absolutely the most basic description possible) so all I'll say is that it's absolutely excellent and everyone should watch it just so they can listen to Hugo Weavings dialogue and diction. And V in the apron(I require icons of that) And the dominoes. And a weird romance. But mostly for the dialogue.
pet peeves,