late series Ice Fantasy spoilers (of the negative kind)

Dec 01, 2016 21:30

I made it past the fist two rapes through (magical) deception in Ice Fantasy because the good was still outweighing the bad (though the best parts had already passed us by) but episode 56 used a seemingly consentual sex to rape 3 characters as no one has informed consent due to magic bodyswapping that no one knows about because there’s also magic amnesia involved, and that would have been a show ender for me back when the show was still at its best.

Apparently, Yan Da was created for the series and the first half of the series (up until the king competition, I think?) was largely made up as it expanded on a few chapters from the book. Which explains A LOT because, while there were still plenty of good parts in the second half, the first half was much better. I’ve read spoilers for the rest of the episodes and there’s nothing to compell me to watch more.

I know this was the first cdrama for a lot of people who watched it, and it...I mean, I’m not going to say that WTF/needlessly tragic endings are RARE (My first cdrama-which was also my first xian xia series-ended with everyone but the main character dead and him wandering the hills with a newborn while depressed and traumatized and no doubt a lifetime of PTSD headed his way. Ok, 2 other characters lived, but only because they got transformed into birds and one had no wings because he had lost both his arms so he was connected to the other by a string so she could fly for both of them...) but there are plenty of good endings out there for Xian Xia, Wuxia and ancient series! Both happy endings and tragic endings that aren’t needlessly terrible. Don’t get alienated for life!

The upside, I guess, is that this DID introduce me to a lot of actors and actresses to check out in the future. Zhang Meng is the only person in this who I was familiar with going in, and that’s only because I watched Detective Tang Lang earlier this year.

cdrama: ice fantasy, cdrama

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