My one real complaint with season 2 of 12 Monkeys so far...

May 31, 2016 21:09 that they've done so little with the idea of Cassie being the savior from the past in the future where everyone's actions are guided by something she hasn't done yet.

People from the future travelling back in time to find the person who will eventually provide the key to possibly stopping the apocalypse is pretty standard for time travel shows (I mean, it pretty much was the plot of the first season) but that person travelling forward in time and being primarily fixed in an environment created by something they'll do in their future? That one is way less explored.  With the exception of Jennifer (who's a major catalyst in a different way) and i guess maybe Deacon, all of the major characters (and pretty much all the current recuring characters except creepy flowers dude)are where they are because of Cassie's future actions.

I just feel they could be doing so much more with having all the future people dealing with having someone so hugely influential to their lives-and who's return to her time is so crucial, except that they can't spare her for long in their own time-suddenly living with them before she's done the huge pitentially-humanity-saving thing.

tv: 12 monkeys

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