Supergirl 1.10

Jan 19, 2016 20:18

 Given my general disinterest in Winn, I wasn't overly interested in the A plot of this episode, and felt a lot of it relied of the audience completely ignoring his Entitled White Dude characterization throughout the series.  That said, given the things that happened to him this episode, I'm willing to forgive HIM for what amounts to "I love you and you should love me or feel guilty about not loving you and also I might turn evil if you don't love me."

I am not, however, willing to forgive the writers for appearing to side with him in that scene, and I expect more from them.

Also not big on Lucy being so eager to undermine Lois to Lois's rival.  There's a difference between not being close to your sibling and trashtalking your sibling.

tv: supergirl

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