
Oct 25, 2015 14:35

Like most Star Wars fans, I've seen the new trailer for episode 7...a few times, but I've mostly been reblogging gifsets on tumblr.  I do, though, want to link to this article, which explains why one line and one shot (well, two shots.  The other being a very similar shot with another character)  made me go from excited because it's Star Wars in general to extremely excited for this particular movie.

1. Blindspot mostly bored me this week, so I might be done with it unless I hear something that makes me want to come back.

2. iZombie finally had a brain that entertianed me this season, but I still don't care about most of the plot stuff going on, with one exception.

Peyton is back! And apparently actually going to be involved in things this season.

I...I really hope that Clive's "Can't. Busy." was the show showing that he's becoming increasingly Over Liv's abrupt personality changes (and hopefully that they won't completely ignore the brain from 2.1), leading to his being read in on the zombie thing. Unfortunately, I have a feeling they just couldn't be bothered to give him a reason to not have dinner with Liv.

3. Rosewood, Jane the Virgin and Madam Secretary all fill me with joy though in different ways.

4. This week's Empire was...hmm...

MICHAEL! WE LOVED YOU! WE ALL LOVED YOU! WHY DID YOU DO THAT TO US! (Though "dazed and confused" is probably the best explanation for how he looked there, so maybe something else was up?)

Lucious...your son tells you that your years of abuse led to his attempting suicide, and your response is "Man up"? AND you're ok with your lawyer endangering Cookie and Hakeem's lives? Are you trying to reach your lowest low ever?

5. I'm enjoying Minority Report more with each episode, so of course it's looking increasingly likely that it will be cancelled.

6. How to Get Away With Murder was also hmm...

Much like Cookie's speech in the season premiere of Empire, I wish that Annelise's comments to Asher about white privilege and rape culture hadn't been in regards to a rape that didn't happen,

My current theory is that the prosecutor stabbed Annelise (Though I've seen a theory that Annelise had Frank or someone else stab her in a non-fatal spot that would still seem really bad. Not sure I buy her going that far, though.) and either Asher or Bonnie killed the prosecutor.

Really not thrilled that they added childhood sexual abuse by a male family member to Bonnie's backstory. 50% of our main female characters now have that backstory.

Most of the orgy/"we're all doomed" stuff was fun, except for the UGH fo me re: Frank/Laurel sex, and the way Connor keeps going on about Michaela's sex life/lack of orgasms despite her very explicit banning of the subject. (I mean, it's not just him, but he seems to do it the most.)

Michaela appears to be free of creepy Levi, and that is good.

The Connor/Oliver bit was cute, but I'm still bugged by Connor's moving himself in without permission.

I ship Annelise and Nate's amaizng levels of messedupness and lies. I can't help it. darn that chemistry. (I'd say "maybe they could have a threesome with Eve when she comes back," but I'm pretty sure Eve is girls only.)

Asher is almost unrecognizable from his early season one self, but mostly in a good way. I hope they don't drag out revealing what the Trotter Lake thing is about for too long.

Annelise (and Frank) gaslighting everyone she cares about to protect someone else she cares about is going to destruct in a very epic way before long.

7. Star Wars Rebels

So, uhm, naturally, I loved the Ahsoka/Rex reunion, except for the bit where it really really emphasized how much they've lightened her skin tone in rebels, because she was a lot darker skinned than the clones (who aren't exaclty light skinned themselves) in TCW, but now they pretty much have the same skin tone.

Anyway, Rex talking about Anakin pretty much confirmed, I think, that neither Ahsoka nor Rex really has any idea what happened with him. Most likely, they thought he died in the assault on the Jedi temple (Rex, at least, would most likely have known where Anakin was, and drawn that conclusion, or something close to it, when he never heard froom Anakin again.) as opposed to, you know, leading it.

Since Bail and Ahsoka have obviously been in contact, Ahsoka probably knows whatever Bail knew, and relayed it to Rex if she was in contact with him after reconnecting with Bail. I actually rewatched the last 20 minutes of RotS yesterday to see if there's any indication of how much Obi-Wan told Bail, and all that's actually said is that the twins have to be hidden from the Sith (Side note: huge props to Owen and Beru, who took in a baby that would result in them being dead if he was ever found because the baby is the son of the stepbrother he met one whole time, and who didn't leave the best impression ever.) So who knows how much, if anything, Obi-Wan told Bail. I'm guessing not much, though. It obviously wouldn't be something he'd want to talk about for various reasons, and since he thinks Anakin is dead at that point. Most likely, he thought that until rumors of Vader somehow reached him, at which point it probably took him about 5 seconds to figure it out. The way I see it, even though Bail obviously kept anything he knew secret from Leia, and probably his wife, he most likely would have told Ahsoka because of her existing relationship with Anakin. OTOH, if Obi-Wan met Ahsoka or Rex after RotS, he probably would have considered it an unnecessary cruelty to tell them what Anakin became and did, and since he was dead anyway, he owuld have let them keep their good memories of Anakin.

No, I haven't spent way too much of the last week thinking about this. Not at all.

8. I watched Angel Beats, a PA Works series about teens in an afterlife that's endless school, where they try to stay there instead of moving on out of fear that they won't be reincarnated as human. It has some definite Haibane Renmei vibes but is an overly energetic "school action club" type show until later on when it focuses on the literal soul searching and figuring out if they should move on from their current afterlife. I liked it, but it was too short to carry off some of what it wanted to with the characters.

9. I checked out Tokyo Ravens when it first aired but wasn't impressed, but decided to give it another shot. I'm not too far into it, but I'm enjoying it well enough. I don't see it becoming anything close to a favorite, but it's entertaining.

10. I added the new Utawarerumono series to my watch list and am liking it so far. It's billed as a direct sequel to the first anime, but it's more like it's an adaptation of the game that's a direct sequel to the game the first series was based on, that relies on a plotline that was omitted from the first anime series.

tv: izombie, anime: angel beats, tv: minority report, tv: how to get away with murder, tv: blindspot, anime: utawarerumono, tv: empire, movie: star wars the force awakens, tv: star wars: rebels, star wars, anime: tokyo ravens

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