1. The return of Star Wars Rebels is probably my TV highlight this week.
-Ahsoka is completely repeating her tactics in the Onderon arc of Clone Wars with Kanan.
-I know Hera probably wasn't even in the early planning stages at the time, but I bet someone out there is moaning over the fact that the green skinned Twi'lek girl the right age to be Hera had a different name and apparently isn't related to Chaim Syndulla, and that the little Twi'lek girl who hugging Chaim had pink skin instead of green.
-Wait wait, wasn't Gregor the amnesiac clone, or am I getting my clones mixed up? Because I thought he died...
-I'm annoyed that Hera was kept out of the action, even though I know it was because she would have figuratively bopped Kanan upside the head a lot if she'd been there. Maybe not even only figuratively.
-no, Rex, you didn't kill your Jedi. That's because your Jedi was busy killing Mace Windu, becoming a Sith, murdering children, force choking his pregnant wife, and trying to kill Obi-Wan. I'M JUST SAYING.
-I've seen some people say that the chips are an attempt to absolve the clones of responsibility for Order 66, and while I don't blame Kanan for not having any of that, I don't think that's really the case. Rather, I think it highlights how horribly they were treated by literally everyone except, sometimes, the Jedi they worked with. Most Jedi don't seem to have been as close to their clone troops as Ahsoka and Anakin, or even Obi-Wan, were, but they fought with, saved and were saved by the Jedi countless times over the years. To expect that, out of a couple hundred thousand clones, not one would feel guilt and eventually confess "by the way, I saved you today but really I'm just waiting forthe order for all of us to kill every force positive person we can find" is a bit absurd. To have the clones completely buy into the cover story with a failsafe that switches them over to their true intention not only makes it about a thousand times more tragic, but is also a lot smarter than expecting them to all keep their mouths shut for years.
-I really want the flashback to Ahsoka meeting Rex and wolffe again. After all, Rex is the one who put the APB out on her, and Wolffe is the one who shot her without letting her explain herself, and as far as we know, she didn't talk to either of them before leaving. Sure, we know that Anakin and the clones who knew Ahsoka were looking the hardest for her because clones who didn't watch her grow up while she fought with them would be a lot more likely to forget to take her in alive, since she supposedly killed a bunch of their brothers, and probably the Jedi some of them served, but it still had to hurt a lot.
-Who else got a disturbed feeling when they were talknig about the cones being decommissioned? Like, uhm, I actually wonder how many were actually left? I have a feeling a lot were "retired" in a more permanent way than implied. I mean, I really don't think they were going to have thousands of highly trained soldiers just sitting around, especially when quite a few of them were probably exceptionally irratate about the whole "steal my free will and force me to murder my commanding officer and hir sidekick" bit.
-This show's fascination with Ezra and Storm/clone trooper's helmets, I swear...
2. I've gotten fairly into Minority Report with the last 2 episodes, so of course it looks like it's about to be cancelled...
Also, Agatha is the character Katrina could and should have been in Sleepy Hollow, if only they'd been willing to commit to a solid stance on her.
3. I'm getting pretty "meh" about Blindspot though, especially since the mystery of Jane's identity is almost all about Weller at this point and not, you know, Jane. I'm mostly still watching because a coworker who shares my cubicle watches it.
4. I really, really wish I wasn't interested in the mystery in Scream Queens. Very little of it is actually funny, and literally every joke relies on racism, classism, homophobia or misogyny to provide the humor, so even if it actually was funny, the offensiveness would kill the humor aspect. There are perfectly decent actors and some who should really know better than this, but the only character I care for so far is Zayday. But, I mean, I want to know what's going on.
5. The main thing I got out of this week's Sleepy Hollow was the mini-Nikita reunion brought on by Jessica Camacho guest starring.