Apparently, I mostly care about CW shows now.

Apr 08, 2015 20:57

I did not enjoy the special Evil Asians Episode (Whee! OTT orientalism! Whee!) aspect of this week's iZombie nor did I enjoy the slutshaming, either the undercover jokes slutshaming, or the "having sex with 1 man and making me jealous" slutshaming.

I did really like getting more of a look at Clive's background, and the Veronica Mars nod, despite the afforementioned slutshaming, and the show beginning to develop Live and Clive's relationship. I also enjoyed Major and Ravi's geekfest, even though Major is still pretty much obligatory white dude mancandy. "I know Kung Fu" plots are always fun, but I always want the person who suddenly knows exceptionally skilled Kung Fu to do a few fancy moves and then gasp in pain and start rubbing muscles because their muscles aren't used to do that, especially at that speed. (iZombie is really a low-level offender in that area, though, particularly given Liv's physiology. But I'm still irritated that that bit in Chuck didn't end with Chcuk on the floor in a fetal position, howling in pain, which is what should have happened.)

I suppose I liked seeing more of Blaine's operation, but I just find David Anders so uninteresting that it didn't do much for me.

Jane the Virgin is as delightful as ever, and for all it's soap opera elements, it's sometimes very realistic and sometimes pretty deep about it's depiction of people making relationships work and the problems in them. The Villanueva women and Rogelio are always the highlight of the show (one of the best moments this week was Rogelio being all TeamDude is ok and all, but TeamJane is the only true choice), but I'm also really enjoying what they're doing with Petra lately, though I hope they don't decide to have her go after Rafael.

The show is also really great at magnificent reveals of things fandom has theorized about and guessed (Rose is Sin Rostro, Aaron is Roman) and revealing them in a way that makes it seem like a big, unexpected reveal.

Though I think the biggest plot twist they could possibly pull off is Petra having good taste in men for the first time ever. (I mean, Rafael is probably the least-awful guy she's liked[my Rafael feelings are conflicted], but she seems to like him best when he's at his worst.)

tv: izombie, tv: jane the virgin

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