Politics are still eyeroll-worthy, conspiracy plot is still dull, but getting better, characters are still great.
-I was so ready to have a flounce in the episode where Stevie thought Henry was having an affair, but the show saved itself. (All I want this show to do is continue to have a confident and competent female politician whose homelife doesn't involve adultery or drugs.)
-Elizabeth and Nadine need to have all the scenes. Aaaaalllllll the scenes. Ever.
-Daisy and Matt...ok? I guess they had to get their cheating and a will they/won't they couple in there somewhere. I just don't like how this has become her main plot, while Matt still gets to have the plot of the conflicting loyalties and the past spying and trying to balance his ambitions with his growing loyalty to Elizabeth.
-Is Blake's sexuality going to be an ongoing joke?
-Henry seriously overplayed his hand with the chess set, I think. I kept expecting a driveby shooting when he and Jason were taking out the trash later.
-I hope they're planning to...well, do something with Stevie. They seem to be setting her up to become more political, but I'm not sure.
-If Elizabeth and Co are right about the president being behind Marsh's assassination, I...have noooooo idea how the show will deal with that. It'll probably turn out that he wasn't involved himself, though.
-Elizabeth's "Who do I have to be to get this week's job done? Ok then." performance will never get old to me. I love how she's consciously performative without actually being anything but herself, she just tolerates whatever face she needs for the current job. She's performative every time she leaves her house, but on her own terms.
I'm also current on Jane the Virgin, Happyland, The 100, Sleepy Hollow, State of Affairs and How to Get Away With Murder, but don't feel up to writing them up right now. Feel free to ask me any questions about my thoughts on whatever in comments. (Ok, i've gone on EXTENSIVELY about one thing in The 100 on twitter, but sometimes you have to get ranting out of your system.)