Continuum: Season 3

Nov 11, 2014 20:14

Well, that didn't go where I was hoping it would, but I mostly enjoyed this season.

The bad, right out of the way: The deaths of Betty, Sonya and Catherine. Sonya and Catherine dying without 10 minutes of each other actually made me take about 10 days to get back to the last episode. Sonya, at least, fairly believably chose her own fate, but Betty and Catherine pretty much died for Drama.

Also, I am totally not buying Kiera's romance with the dude who killed other!Kiera. At all.

Moving on...

-So, I liked what they did with time travel this season, even though I was REALLY hoping they'd go with "Kiera has to kill a past version of herself", but no. And am mildly annoyed that the "You'd do it. You'd kill yourself to save the future." was for Alec.

-So, they realized the only way to make Alec less annoying was to create a WORSE version of him. There's something to be said for the fact that it took making a choice that actually destroyed reality, combined with seeing himself become corrupt, to actually get him off the path that created Kiera and Liber8's timeline.

-I think they were trying to do this thing where Alec becoming corrupt faster was/is leading to Julian getting off the path he was on and possibly actually becoming the revolutionary savior Liber8 sees him as, but honestly, the character is so lacking in charisma that it didn't work the way it was supposed to. I mean, the actor is fine-he's come a long way since season 1, just like Alec's actor-but Julian the character is just bland. Also, any interesting or progressive development with the character requires that he gain enough self-awareness to realize that his father's death-which is his main motivator/impetus-was caused entirely by his own actions. (I mean, dude framed his father for terrorism-unintentionally, but then, he didn't care that he did-and took his family and two police officers-one of whom he shot-hostage. But he's the victim.)

-I suppose that if there's a season 4 (Rachel Nichols has indicated on twitter that there's still a possibility) they'll at least play with "But was it really evil!Alex who died?" Also, I'm so disappointed that the "you would kill yourself to save the future" played ot with the Alecs and not the Kieras.

-There's actually probably something to be said above about how the role of white men (major characters, at least) in the series is often to represent corruption and/or destruction. Jason is an exception, I suppose, but he's also mentally disabled, and probably wasn't actually that great a guy when he was the son and heir of the guy who basically ruled the world.

-The show has very slowly been building up to Kiera and Liber8 ending up on the same side-if not actually allies-since somewhere in season 1, so I'm glad to see it paying off. I really liked Kiera and Liber8 doing the "badass heroic group stride" in the finale, except that Kiera should have been the pointman, not Travis. I mean, leaving aside the fact that she's the main protagonist, you put the person in the supersuit in front, just in case. And i'm glad Kiera becoming consciously aware of the change that's building up in her-realizing that the future she's fighting for is actually kinda awful-was balanced with Liber8 slowly taking on less murderous methods. They were still killing, but less inclined towards it than before.

-So, I'm actually torn a bit about Sonja's character path towards the end. On the one hand, she's always been the most devoted to Kagami and his vision, and the flashback to how he recruited her and the methods he used went a long way to showing why, but she's also been the one to speak against violence and find a way to accomplish goals peacefully if possible. I can buy that having Kagami and Theseus's dreams ripped from her could have caused a spiral, I just wish it hadn't. (But, I mean, who says we won't also get a reboot/AU Sonja if there's a next season?)
-Poor Carlos really just needed a hug this season. I mean, he spent a lot of the season in (often drunk) manpain mode, but it was pretty understandable.

-I wonder where the flashforward with Travis's family fits into the timeline. Because he was with Sonja by the time she broke him out of Sadtech, but I don't remember if they said he was a criminal/on the run before the Sadtech experiments. And while Travis may not be the #1 desirable romantic partner ever, cheating seems out of character for him.

-I really, really liked Kiera and Catherine's frenemy respect vibe. SADNESS. At least I have Kiera/Garza to fall back on if there's another season.

tv: continuum

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