WisCon plans

May 15, 2014 20:45

My tentative WisCon schedule is as follows:

Thursday and Friday are meet roommates/other people (Perhaps brainstorm with copanelists at some point?) At some point in there, I'll be checking out a couple museums with one or more roommates. I'm not doing anything for The Gathering this year, though I intend to pop in to raid Galley Ho. Saturday morning is the farmer's market, where 
inkstone   will get to watch me stare at delicious looking cheesy breads a lot and dither over which to get.

Panels I'm on:

Saturday 4-5:15 Women in Sageuk
Sunday 2:30-3:45 Wuxia as a Fantasy Tradition

Panels i'm definitely attending:

Sunday 10-11:15 Dystopia and Post-Apocalyptic Traditions
Sunday 1:00-2:15 Anime in Literature, Literature in Anime

Party I shall attend until my body orders me to go to bed:

Saturday 9pm-3am: Vid Party

Panel's I'm thinking about, but attending will likely be influenced by what friends are also going*:

Friday 2:30-3:45: The Once and Future Badass: Historical Women Who Inspire, Challenge and Unsettle Us
Friday 4:00-5:15: Damsels of Color
Saturday 10am-11:15: "We Usually Have to Racebend For This Cast!"
Saturday 1:00-2:15: Real-Life Medieval People of Color

For anyone looking for me at any of the above, I'm 5 feet tall, have waist length red-brown hair and a few hundred freckles, wear glasses, and am overweight**. My wardrobe consists almost entirely of jeans and solid colored t-shirts.

Anyone who has my phone number from previous years still has my current phone number. Anyone who wants/needs it for the con, let me know, and I'll e-mail/pm you. And, of course, my twitter is meganbm123. I go by Megan but respond to both Meg and my full name, for people who like to use my full internet handle.

*I'm trying not to plan/try too hard to attend too many panels this year.  I think part of why I've ended up wiped fairly early most evenings and want to be a hermit in a mountain cave by the middle of Sunday  is because I have a habit of trying to find panels just because sometimes.

**By social standards, at least. Medically I ace every blood/health test except for that pesky anemia that will forever keep me safe from vampires.


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